Chapter 1

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Nine years later...

Type woke up to the sound of his alarm, he hit the button to stop it before dragging himself out of bed. He walked to bathroom and turned on the water before stripping of his clothes. As he stepped into the shower he sighed at the feeling of warm water hitting his skin.

It had been a crazy past year for him, his cousin and best friend Team was still in the mansion with those creatures and it was all his fault, if hadn't agreed to the bet Team would be in Cambridge University studying to become an archaeologists and not being cursed inside the mansion with that blonde demon.

Type had a plan to get him out but it would have to wait till after graduation in two days. For now he was packing things they need while on the run. He had a destination all picked out and a place to stay once they got there and even had talked to some university there to let Team enroll there. All he needed to do was go get Team, how he was going to do was he was going to volunteer to be chosen then once he was in there he was going to take his cousin hostage and forced the demons to let them go.

The plan was going to work and then he would get his cousin away from Demon Lake so the spell he is obviously under would go away. It was now just a waiting game and one he was impatient to start. After cleaning himself and his hair he turned off the water and stepped out. He dried off then walked out of his bathroom and into his room where he quickly put on his school uniform before heading downstairs for breakfast. His parents were in the kitchen/dining room already, his dad was at the table eating while his mother was still cooking.

"Good morning" he said making his parents look up at him.

"Good morning" They said. Type took a seat next to his father as his mother dished up a plate of bacon, eggs and hashbrowns. She brought it over and set it in front of him, he thanked her and started eating.

"So are you still insistent on breaking your cousin out of the demon prince's mansion?" His father asked.

"You know I am"

"Honey, I wish you would give up on this, Team has told you that he wants to stay and you should respect that." His mother said.

"And I wish you would listen to me when I say he's been cursed or something, he would never willing stay there." Type said.

"Son, he married the demon I think it's time to realize that he wants to stay with his husband." His father said.

"What would you know about love?" He said. "You guys haven't loved each others since what happened nine years ago, for heaven's sake you guys don't even sleep in the same bed anymore."

"Type!!" They yelled but Type ignored them and stood up and left the room. He grabbed his keys from the small table by the door then his backpack by the door before putting his shoes on then leaving the house. He did feel a little bad about snapping at his parents but it wasn't like he was lying. His parents were sleeping in different rooms and he guess they only stayed together so long is cause of him. That just pissed him off more than he already was on a daily basis.

He had this rage in him that built up over the past nine years after the night he was almost raped. He didn't remember what happened after he escaped but he did remember that he was found walking home by some police officers who were looking for him. He told them what his babysitter had been doing to him over the past year. They arrested the bitch and she was charged with child molestation and attempted rape of a minor.

His parents were furious but even more furious with each other that they didn't see the signs. Their marriage slowly over the years started to dissolve until they slept in different rooms and hardly talked to each other. He and his sister were helpless to help which lead them to grow closer. Team and Destiny were Type's support group through the years. They were there for him when he came back from therapy a crying mess or when his rage became to much for him. They would take him to the local gym and make him take out all his anger on what was done to him on a punching bag.

When Destiny moved away for college he took it hard. Team was there to pick him up and make him move forward instead of locking himself in his room and going deeper into his depression. Being so close to Team was one of the reasons he refused to believe that Team wanted to stay there. If he admitted it then he would have to admit that Team left him all alone just like his sister. Of course he had his parents but they didn't get him like Team and Destiny did.

Type got into his car that had a few bags they would take on the plane with them on their trip to New York. He started the car and pulled out of the driveway before driving to school. He couldn't wait to get he hell out of this small ass village and try to leave his past behind. When he got to school he parked where he usually parks before shutting off his car before grabbing his backpack from the passenger seat before getting out. He put his backpack on before heading inside to another boring day of school.

Type was a straight A student and would be graduating with honors. He was proud at his accomplishments and couldn't wait to start at Hamilton College in New York. He was going to  study journalism since he wanted to become a writer. Writing was another what to expression his anger in a positive way. Destiny had got him into it and he fell in love with it.

"Hey Type!!" A voice said as he was almost to the front doors of the school. He turned to see his friend Can rushing to catch up with him.

"Hey Can" Type said pulling the door open for them.

"Did you finish the paper for history class?" Can asked.

"Yes, I finished it last night" He said. Sixteen year old, Cantaloupe a.k.a Can hated being called his full name and had forbid anyone from calling him that. He had been friends with Can since elementary school. He wasn't as close to him as he was with Team or Destiny but he could rely on Can to be there if he needed him. Unlike Type, Can was straight as a pole though Type thinks he's bisexual like him.

"You must be so excited to graduate, I can't wait for next year when it's my turn." Can said.

"Have you decided on what you want to do yet?" Type asked.

"I want to be a teacher, some of these stupid teacher wouldn't know how to teach if it bit them in the ass." He said making Type chuckle as they walked to their classes.

"I'll talk to you later" Can said before waving goodbye. Type walked into his classroom ready for another boring day.

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