Chapter 4

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Tharn used his super speed to get to his mate. His mate was the same little boy from nine years ago and the same boy who haunted his dream. He was happy for a few seconds before realizing that this means he's going to find out what he is. Great...he couldn't wait for his mate to reject him.

As he picked up his mate something clicked inside him just as it had when he first saw him holding a knife to Team's throat. He must admit that his mate was pretty ballsy to do what he did but he was also very stupid. Win could have tried to kill him especially now that he knows that Team's pregnant. He and Korn had known a week before Team did due to their super hearing, everyone's super hearing wasn't as strong as his and Korn's were which is why they could hear the little thumps of his baby's heartbeat.

His mate could have caused Tharn and Win to fight and he didn't give a damn. He inwardly chuckled as he looked down at his mate, his mate who had sounded so broken as he told Team he couldn't trust anyone anymore. He felt his heart break at that, his mate was just as broken as he was, maybe even worse.

"Is he okay?" Team said rushing over to him. On instinct he growled at Team as his eyes turned read and his fangs descended warning him off. Win was in front of Team in seconds growling at Tharn. Tharn used his super speed to get into the house and to his apartment. He looked down at his unconscious mate and smiled a little. He looked just like he thought he would look like. He was beautiful and all his.

Type. He had heard Team talk about him but never guessed he was the little boy from nine years ago. From what he heard he had anger issues, panic attacks and hated being alone due to a past trauma that Team refused to talk about. He bit his lip trying to decided whether or not to use his powers to look into his memories to see what trauma he had been through but decided against it after what happened outside. He was going to show his mate that he could trust him and that he was there for him and then maybe Type could be there for him and they could fix each other.

He walked through his medium sized  modern living room to a hallway that lead to an intersection, right lead to two guest rooms and the left side lead to his bedroom and another guest room that Techno sometimes stays in when Tharn let's him visit. He turned right and went to the last room which was the guest room Techno sleeps in and opens the door. He knew getting Type to trust him was going to be hard so he thought that giving Type his own room instead of making him sleep in his bed would help the process.

 He knew getting Type to trust him was going to be hard so he thought that giving Type his own room instead of making him sleep in his bed would help the process

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