Meeting Neytiri

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Nordica's POV

Another viper-wolf leaps at Jake and Jake impales it with his spear. Losing it. So he takes out his knife as I back into a tree scared. One of the viper-wolves bite Jake's arm and he yells in pain. "Jake!" I shout scared as some viper-wolves head my way.

"Nordica!" he shouts. Suddenly a Na'vi woman appears shooting two viper-wolves. She leaps right over Jake, and CRACKS her bow down on the skull of a circling wolf. Another springs at her and she drops under its weight, but rolls, coming up on top of it with a knife in her hand. Her knife FLASHES down, buried to the hilt in its chest.

She retrieves her bow. She swings her bow in a big arc, cracking it across the heads and shoulders of two of remaining wolves. Yelling. The remaining pack run away and I relax dropping my spear. "Are you ok?" she asks me concerned. She looks familiar.

"Yes, thanks for saving us. I am sorry you had to kill some wolves" I tell her. She nods her and puts out the fire Jake had made. He complains, but we ignore him as she starts to retrieve her arrows. Spots and patterns, ghosts and galaxies of blue-green light appear on all the plants. "Of course, how could I forget the plants here are bio-luminescent" I mutter in awe of the beauty around us.

"Biolum-what?" Jake asks me confused as he retrieves his spear.

"They glow in the dark Moron" I say cursing him in Na'vi. I notice the Na'vi woman smile slightly as she prays for one of the wolves she had killed. Jake crouches beside her. I take a closer look a her and realize why she looks so familiar. She is Neytiri, future Tsahik of the Omaticaya. Saw her photo during one of my lessons, she is older now then when the photo was taken.

"Look, um, I know you probably don't understand this. But -- thanks. Thank you. I owe you" Jake tells her. Neytiri ignores him, assuming a prayer posture over the dead animal.

"Forgive me. May your spirit run with the Great Mother" she prays. I do the same for the wolf Jake had killed.

"We would of been screwed had you not come along" Jake states. She looks at me as she gets to her feet.

"Please help us" I plead and she looks conflict. She starts to walk away. We follow her.

"Hey, wait. Wait! Where you goin'?" Jake asks her. He grabs her arm stopping her. "I just want to thank you for killing those..." he starts to say. But is cut off by Neytiri whacking him with her bow. He lands on the ground as she glares down at him.

"Don't thank! You don't thank for this! This is sad. Very sad, only" Neytiri tells him.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Whatever I did -- I'm sorry" Jake tells her.

"We both are" I add as I wrap my arms around my stomach.

"All this is your fault! They did not need to die" she tells Jake.

"They attacked us, how am I the bad guy?" Jake asks her.

"Your fault! You are like a baby, making noise, don't know what to do" Neytiri states.

"Speaking of babies, I am with child" I tell her and sh looks surprised. "Please, we need somewhere safe to stay the night" I state.

"You should not be here" she says in English.

"I understand that, but please let us come with you" I plead in English.

"Okay, fine, you love your little forest friends. So why not just let them kill my ass? Or Nordica's? What's the thinking?" Jake asks her.

"Seriously, that's what you're worried about right now?" I ask him annoyed.

"Why save you both?" Neytiri asks him.

"Yes, why save us?" Jake asks her.

"She is with child" she states nodding to me.

"And me?" Jake asks her curious.

"You have a strong heart. No fear" she states leaning closer to him. "But stupid! Ignorant like a child!" she adds and I giggle. She looks at me. "Come" she tells me setting off again. I follow her and Jake follows us.

"If I'm so ignorant, maybe you should teach me" Jake tells her.

"Sky people can not learn. You do not see" she tells him.

"Then teach me to see" he tells her.

"No one can teach you to see" Neytiri and I tell him as we reached higher ground. I notice we're in the trees. Jake slips and nearly falls, but Neytiri caught him. "You're like a baby" she tells him.

"Please, we need your help" I tell her. "If not for us, then for my baby. Please?" I plead.

"Sky people are forbidden at Home tree" she tells me.

"Please, there must be somewhere safe we can sleep tonight" I state. Suddenly wood spirits appear. Jake goes to slap one and Neytiri stops him. "Atokirina" I say with Neytiri.

"What?" Jake asks confused. As they land on him and me. "What are they?" he asks us.

"Seeds of the Sacred Tree very pure spirits" Neytiri tells him. I raise my palm and one lands on it. They are do beautiful. But why us? With a whoosh the wood spirits whirl up and away, scattering into the darkness.

"What was that all about?" Jake asks me.

"No idea" I tell him. Neytiri grabs our hands telling us to come. She then lets go of Jake's, but keeps a hold of me as we continue through the forest. "Where are we going?" I ask her.

"Home tree" she answers.

"But you said we are forbidden there" I state.

"Hey, what's your name?" Jake asks her. Before either of us could answer him. A bolo wraps around his legs and he falls from the tree.

"Jake!" I shout.

"Calm" Neytiri tells me.

"We have to get down there" I tell her. She nods her head. She leads the way, keeping a hold of my hand. Making sure I don't fall, thank Ewya.


Picture above of Neytiri praying for dead viper-wolf and picture on the external link of the wood spirits on Jake.

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