First Day of Training

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Nordica's POV

I woke up early this morning and had a big breakfast. Before going to link with my avatar. As Grace goes through the names of the four important people in the Omatikaya with Jake. I open my eyes and open my hammock. Someone offers me a hand and I take it. They help me onto the branch. "I see you, Mo'at. Thank you" I say.

"I see you Atiena, you are on time, it is good" she tells me as we start to make our way to the ground. "Tsu'tey tells me you ride" she states.

"Used to, back when I was younger" I tell her.

"Good, my daughter has agreed to teach you to ride with Jake this morning" she tells me. "By the way, what did your healer say about the babies?" she asks me curious.

"They did not wish to overwhelm me on my first day here" I state. She nods her head.

"The father, was he an identical twin? Or are you one? I do not know how it works with sky people. But with us multiple births is a family trait" she states.

"Tom was Jake's identical twin, the avatar Jake drives. It was made for Tom, but he died before we even left Earth. Before we could become life mates by human customs" I tell her.

"Will you and JakeSully mate?" she asks me curious as we get some fruit to eat.

"Never, he may look like the man I love. But he is not him and never will be" I state. She nods her head as we join Eytukan, Neytiri and Tsu'tey. "I see you" I say. They nod their heads in greeting. I start to eat as Jake finally appears. Neytiri goes to greet him.

After breakfast, she leads Jake and I to a clearing where a herd of pa'li are grazing. "These are our tame Pa'li" Neytiri tells me. I nod my head. "Wait here" she tells us and walks off.

"Having a good morning?" Jake asks me.

"Well I woke up today in my avatar body with no morning sickness. So I'd say yes so far" I tell him.

"That's good, did you eat before linking?" he asks and I roll my eyes.

"Yes Jake, I had a big breakfast" I tell him.

"Good" he says as Neytiri appears with two mares.

"They are beautiful" I tell her as I greet one. Jake approaches the other and it paws the ground nervously. Guess it senses his nerves.

"Easy boy" Jake says and I giggle.

"They are both girls" I tell him.

"She is right" Neytiri tells him. "Good, pa'li, good" she praises Jake's pa'li.

"Ok, easy girl" Jake says patting her side. He mounts his pa'li first and it snorts. A Neytiri holds her handing Jake one of the pa'li antennas. He connects his queue to it and I see the pa'li's eyes dilate along with his. As she honks nervously.

"This is shahaylu, the bond. Feel her heartbeat, her breath. Feel her strong legs" Neytiri tells him. Jake closes his eyes doing as she says. "You may tell her what to do inside" she states pointing to her head. "For now, say where to go" she instructs.

Jake opens his eyes. "Forward" he says to the pa'li. The horse launches into a gallop. Jake flops around, with no idea how to sit the animal, and is promptly thrown off. He lands painfully in the mud. Neytiri and I laugh as she goes to retrieve his pa'li.

"Never rode a horse before have you?" I ask him with a giggle. As he gets up, brushing mud off knees and ass, as Neytiri leads the horse back to us.

"Perhaps you should demonstrate Atiena" Neytiri tells me.

"Of course" I say. She helps me mount my pa'li is taller then what I am used to. I thank her and make the bond with it. "Whoa" I say. I calm my breath as I feel her through the bond. Soon our breathing matches. "Please, walk forward slowly" I tell her. She does so as I hold her antenna like reins.

"Very good Atiena" Neytiri praises me.

"How do you know how to ride?" Jake asks me.

"Tom took me once" I tell him as I have my pa'li stop. "Good girl Ju'li" I praise. Neytiri smiles and looks at Jake.

"Again" she tells him. He sighs and gets onto his pa'li. "Please continue to ride your pa'li slowly, practice turning" she tells me as Jake bonds with his pa'li. I nod my head and she goes to focus on Jake. As he clearly needs more help then me.

(Mini time skip)

Jake still can't ride and has fallen off multiple times. Whereas I have pretty much mastered walking my pa'li. I've allowed her to eat some sap from the flowers. Suddenly Tsu'tey appears with a couple of hunters. Thundering across the shallow river on their pa'li.

"You should go away" he tells Jake as he tries to wipe the mud off of himself.

"Nuh, you'd miss me to much" Jake states. "I knew you could speak English" he adds. Tsu'tey turns to Neytiri, who is leading Jake's pa'li back over to us.

"This alien will learn nothing. A rock sees more" Tsu'tey tells her. She just smiles patting his pa'li's flank. Sending him on his way. She tells Jake to try again.

"Atiena, you may return to home tree. You are done riding today and should eat" she tells me. I nod my head and dismount. I disconnect from Ju'li.

"Thank you for the lesson" I tell her. "See you Jake" I add as he falls off again. I return to home tree. Where I am greeted by Mo'at and Eytukan.

"Judging by the lack of mud, you did not fall off" Eytukan states.

"I have ridden before" I state.

"I will be taking you on a trip to show you edible plants" Mo'at tells me. "We will ride as it will be quicker" she states. I nod my head. We finish eating then grab a couple of pa'li and head out. I decide to ask her about child birth. She explains about how I'd be the first thing my babies bond to, then they'd bond with Eywa. The third thing they bond to is a pa'li.

We spent most of the afternoon riding through the forest. Mo'at explaining about which plants are edible and which to avoid. We even gathered some and had a small snack. Before returning to home tree for dinner.

Nordica Spellman: Avatar Fanfic (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now