2.2 || The Umbrella Project

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The market was loud, much louder than any town Seungmin visited before for his project. Not only was there a bigger variety of people, dialects, and items being sold, but there was also a bigger crowd of fairies flying all around. Many of them recognized Seungmin (whether it be through the words of the other fey or their love for his mana, he couldn't tell), and they greeted him warmly with small kisses and happy singing all around. But even with the exorbitantly joyous mood of the market, Seungmin didn't feel overstimulated; on the contrary, it was perfect for him to not be able to hear his own voice inside his head. Taking a slow breath through his nose, the Prince closed his eyes and relished the smell of street food and cold, crisp air of the northern part of the Empire.

"My Pri-, I mean, Min...look at the smoothies! They look so refreshing," Sophia said from a few feet away, choking on her words.

Just before leaving the inn, it was deduced that calling the disguised Prince by his usual formalities would be too risky to his safety, especially when in such a crowded place. Therefore, when the maid asked what to call him, Seungmin simply responded, "Min." No questions were asked. And now, Sophia had to cringe at the thought of calling the Second Prince—someone social classes above her—by what seemed to be a nickname.

Nevertheless, her feelings were easily deterred by the variety of smoothies on display. When she saw Seungmin nod his head in approval, her feelings were uplifted even more. Already at the stand and buying a strawberry smoothie for herself, Sophia happily hummed to a common tune, taking a sip of the drink. After eating only roasted meat the past few days during travel, the frozen sweetness of the berry was like heaven to her tongue. There was a wide smile on her face as she took a larger gulp.

"Sophia," Yeong-Su muttered hesitantly from beside Seungmin, "we've come for the groceries."

The maid rolled her round sapphire eyes as she remarked, "We're at one of the largest market strips of the Empire and you just want to go grocery shopping? Loosen up a bit! We're here to have fun, right?" She held up the cup in her hand, motioning for the knight to take a sip.

"Stop! We're the same age, and you're a girl. I can't drink from the same cup as you!" the golden-eyed boy yelped bashfully, pushing the drink away from his face. Sophia blinked a few times, baffled, before bursting out in laughter. She seemed drunk from the surrounding atmosphere.

"We may be around the same age, but you're nothing but a little brother to me, Yeong-Su," she beamed, again pushing the cup to the knight's lips. With a scrunch of his nose, Yeong-Su caved in and reluctantly took a sip of the smoothie, only for his irises to shimmer at the taste. It was the first he had ever had something so cold yet sweet; his village was always warm so there were never very refreshingly solid substances such as it. He took another large gulp, and Sophia laughed once more when he pressed his palm to his temples from the cold.

Seungmin watched through the shadow of his hood for a while before shifting his gaze to his mana beast sitting on his feet. Its ears were twitching as it directed its focus to a narrow shop not too far away.

"A Witch's Hut," the sign above it said. A childish name written in childish handwriting. Of course, such a silly shop name would attract the attention of kids, many of whom were already gathered in front of who Seungmin assumed to be the shop owner. Without much thought, the Prince walked over, leaving Sophia and Yeong-Su whose attention was taken by the smoothie stand.

"I'm sorry dearies, but this isn't a shop for you youngsters," the elderly woman was saying, waving her hand in an attempt to shoo off the crowd in front of the entrance. When that didn't work, she took out a broom resting on the wall (she seemed prepared for these occasions) and started brandishing it in the air, finally dispersing the squealing children. Huffing, she opened the door and, upon seeing a potential customer amidst the crowd, held it open for the Second Prince.

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