2.6 || Sips of Truth

988 68 20

"Welcome to the humble Maximillion residency." Alexander's voice rang in Seungmin's ears, prompting the Prince to glance his way for a second.

Alexander was resting his jaw against his knuckles with his elbow propped against the base of the carriage window. He smiled when Seungmin finally gave him attention—for the entirety of the ride, the Prince either looked outside absentmindedly or pet his mana beast laying on his lap. Not a second was spared to converse with the Duke's Heir; though, this was something Alexander had gotten used to and didn't mind.

Seungmin looked back outside as the carriage turned into the driveway of the estate. It was larger than the mansion he stayed at in Cambriage, and there was much more effort done with the exterior, the ivory-colored columns shining gold in the light of the setting sun. There was a fountain at the center of the stone-paved area with a marble statue spewing water. As Seungmin got out of the now-stopped carriage, he stared at the fountain blankly.

"Is it to your liking?" Alexander smiled as he, too, stepped out. "My mother had it customized by Sir Everett, who I'm sure you know personally decorated the gardens of the Imperial Palace."

"...I'm thirsty," Seungmin muttered, ignoring the boy and scanning the area for his personal maid. However, before he could find the blonde locks of a familiar person, someone else entered his line of sight.

"I will prepare a glass of cold water, Prince Sion," said an elderly woman wearing a suit. Her hands were folded in front of her, much like Loidger would always do, gloved in a neat white color to match the blouse under her black tailcoat. She was a bit shorter than Seungmin, but she stood much taller and confidently.

"Oh, Georgia, perfect timing," Alexander hummed pleasantly. "His Highness will be staying in our estate for the night. Could you prepare a guest bedroom and—" he turned to Seungmin with a coy smile— "bring the refreshments and some snacks to the drawing room?"

The butler closed her eyes as she bowed, turning at once to heed Alexander's orders. Her gait was quite stable and brisk compared to what Seungmin would have assumed by the greyness of her hair, but he wasn't one to judge. She reminded him quite a lot of Loidger. Perhaps Seungmin should also get a capable butler back at the Imperial Castle to take care of all his needs outside of what Sophia does.

He watched Georgia walk away with these thoughts until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"My Prince, this way. Would you like a tour of our residency? The history is quite long," the platinum-haired boy asked; though, his voice was half-hearted, already knowing that this idea would be rejected. Seeing the confirmational shake of Seungmin's head, he then offered, "Then I will take you to the drawing room. My parents are not currently at home, so you will have to meet them later unfortunately."

Seungmin wasn't sure if Alexander meant he was unfortunate because he couldn't be greeted right away or because he would eventually have to meet the parents. Regardless, the mansion was quite large, and Seungmin knew he could assume that the guest bedroom would be nowhere near the main family's rooms. It was safe to say that he would likely only have to interact with them during dinner.

He felt a nudge as Alexander gently pulled on his shoulder, guiding him in the direction of the entrance. But Seungmin pushed away the meddlesome hand away and continued to look around for familiar people.

"Oh, Prince Sion!" Sophia shouted from behind, "Please head inside. I will take your luggage to the guest bedroom."

What luggage was there to deliver when they were only staying for a night? There should only be his washing materials and his clothes, and that should all fit in one small bag. But it seemed like Sophia was busy doing whatever she said she would do, and Yeong-Su was leading his horse into the stables with the other knights. Cursing under his breath, Seungmin looked back at Alexander.

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