Chapter 3:An oportunity arises

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People were, understatably, in utter shock. After all, dead people were brought back to life. A feat none of the legendary Teigus were capable off, yet this had been done with such ease by a single man.

Among the revived people confusion arose, although most of them quickly firgot it to glare hatefuly at Aria. Tatsumi lost no time to take histwo formely deceased friends in a hug. The two members of Night Raid stared in shock at Kumagawa, while Aria stared at both him and Kei in fear.

Ironically, the man responsable for such a miracle was utterly disinteresed in it. Instead, he began discussing an completly unrelated topic with Kei.

Kumagawa:[So, you see, this girl I was talking with you about...]

Kei:Ah, so we came back to this.

Kumagawa:[Hey, building relationships is important. Wasn't this the whole topic of our time at Hakoniwa?]

Kei:My work takes much of my time. Ah, did you get a job while we haven't seen each other, Kumagawa-kun?

Kumagawa:[Of course! I'm a freelancer.]

Kei:I'm not sure that's a real job. How do you get by anyway?

Kumagawa:[Ah, you see, I got a lot better with Imagination Manifastation. So I just made a infinite credit card.]

Kei:The world's economy will suffer for sure. Haah, we'll just deal with it when we get there.

Kumagawa:[I guess so! Another subject, huh? Ah, do you know Honkai Impact?]

Kei:The video game? Yeah.

Kumagawa:[I see...Which version of Kiana do you think is hotter. I personally prefer Herrscher Of the Void.]

Kei:I norice you're stuck on this theme.

Kumagawa:[Just answer the question.]

Kei:I don't know...I prefer Fu Hua to begin with.


Clearly, they lost their interes in the situation. However, they have noticed the stares they were getting.

Kumagawa:[Ah, I forgot about all of this.]

Kei:Is it alright with you if I kill her. I kind of commited.

Kumagawa:[Eh, that sounds really serious! Oh, please don't let me intrerupt your passionate moment. Go wild!]

Kei gave a nod and with a flick of his wrist a knife flew from his sleeve. The blade rotated in the air with deadly precision and cut off her head from her body.

Kei's expression remained unchanged, this being nothing more than a cold and calculate kill with no emotions at all. However, this did not stop Kumagawa from blowing his nose on a handcrief while crocodile tears running along his face.

Kumagawa:[My heart was moved! You don't see such burst of passion even in the best romance movies! Truly, such a bright love made even this minus weep!]

His reaction made everyone look at him weirded out. Although Kei didn't seem to mind in the slightest, being already used with Kumagawa's over the top acting.

Leone:These two...

Leone smiled broadly and approached the two, although cautionally because Kumagawa's very existence still made all her senses freak out. Akame sighed, already guessing what her companion planned.

Leone:Hey, you two!

The comedic act was broken by Leone's approach. Having their attention, Leone fired her question.

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