Chapter 8:I murder best with no weapons

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Today was different for Kumagawa. He'd usually spend his time hanging out with Kei, but the plus had gone in an mission with Bulat on a cruise. So the minus choose to walk around the city to pass the time.

Through that he had made a great discovery. This world actually has ice-cream!

He eagerly went to the vendor and requested for a dark chocolate con. After his order was ready Kumagawa went to sit on a bench, hearing two consecutives sounds on material hitting wood.

Clearly, someone else happened to sit on this bench at the same time with him. The sound make both ice-cream enjoyers to look at each other.

Bwfore him was an woman with blue eyes and blue eyes, and underlaying bloodlust hidden under an calm demeanor. Her name was Esdeath.

Blue stared back into blue

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Blue stared back into blue. Both intrigued by each other's presence.

Kumagawa:[Oh, you have stopped by for some ice-cream too?]

Esdeath was surprised by the jovial nature the boy before her was talking. Oh, he must be new to the Capital.

Esdeath:Indeed. It's not very popular, but it's still my favorite place in the entire city.

Kumagawa:[Haha, although you'd think they want to make the execution site the most popular.]

Esdeath:It's only natural, is it not? The strong devour the weak.

Kumagawa:[Hm, I can't say I agree with that.]

Esdeath:Oh? You see something wrong with this logic? Do tell.

Kumagawa:[Strong and weak...Speaking from an natural perspective that might be true, but humans are much more complex. Someone who doesn't have the necessary strenght becomes cunning. After all, there are many ways the weak can beat the strong. Desperation is an string drive.]

Despair. Fear. Repulsion. Malice. Greed. There was no doubt that those were human traits that every human possesed.

Medaka loved the beatifuly, but he loved the ugly. Yet, there's no doubt that both of them love humans.

Kumagawa:[People on top often call those on the bottom pawns. It's accurate, pawns have the ability to even become kings given the right circumstances. Who knows, the arrogant wolf might find the rabbit it just swallowed whole eating it's way out and leaving the predator as an worthless corpse.]

Esdeath eyes were wide open, absorbing every word like an sponge. This boy...

Esdeath:Hehe, I never thought of it that way. I suppose we can get to broaden our views any day. Oh, I have to get going. But before that, might I know the name of such an insightful stranger?

Esdeath got up and extended her hand for an handshake. Kumagawa took it and presented himself with a smile.

Kumagawa:[Kumagawa Misogi.]

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