Chapter 6:An Ogre, you say?

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Kei, as an abnormal who's whole thing was murder, was exceptionally skilled with blades abd other types of weapon. However, today his maestry over bladed weapons was not meant to take lives, but prepare food.

Once again he cut the cabbage, finishing it, with his knife and once again he threw a xurved swird from his sleeve to stop Akame from eating the food. Kumagawa was sitting on a corner playing on his phone. How he had WiFi here was beyond the plus.

Kumagawa:[And another one bites the dust! Hah, Hayabusa's the best assasin.]

Akame:Best assasin? Can we recruit him?

Kei:He's just a character from Mobile Legends.

Akame:Mobile Legends?

Kei:It's a game.


Kumagawa, unlike the two, wasn't preparing anything. But it wasn't like any member of Night Raid was gonna voice that out because, one, they were very careful to not piss him off after finding how immensely powerful he was, and two, he already cleaned the entire base.

Each member had voiced out hiw they don't think they ever saw the base so clean, even Najenda. Kei wasn't surprised, Zenkichi more than once told him how Kumagawa was even more of a clean freak than Medaka.

Kei:How many matches have you played until now?


Kei:Ah, that so? You really wanted to play, huh?

Kumagawa:[Not really. I originally opened my phone just to check out Webtoon. Sadly, there's no new chapter on Boyfriend of the Dead.]

Kei:Ah? You read it too, Kumagawa-kun?

Kumagawa:[Well, it's a comedy and relationship troubles combined with trauma, dark themes and a girl that look to be able to do anything. So it's right down my alley.]

Kei can't shake off the feeling that the minus was comparing it to his actual love life. However, it was none of his bussiness. What he and Najimi had was something that really no one wanted to kniw the details about.

Kumagawa turned his head from his screen, an action you wouldn't normally see from a tennager of their era, to look at Sheele, Bulat and Mine. They were all packed up and ready to go.

Kumagawa:[You guys won't stay for breakfast?]

Bulat:Sadly, we have a mission.

Akame:I see...Dibs on their portions.

Kei:I had a feeling you'd say that.

Mine:Hmph, you can stay there, newbies.

Kumagawa:[Maybe this time you'll actually be able to hit your target, Ms. Best Sniper!]


However, the two other men of the trio with the mission decided to drag Mine out before she could start another argument. At the courses she was spoting with a lung capacity she shouldn't posses, Kumagawa laughed loudly.

On another note, he wonders how no enemies ever ambushed her in the previous missions the team had. The girl wore bright pink, it wasn't so hard to distinguish her from the surroundings.

Akame:I still don't see why you made a salad. Meat is all we need.

Kei:I'll have to disagree. A equilibrated meal is important.

Kumagawa:[Eh, I don't really get why eating is such a big deal. Ah, but I might be a little biased because I don't really eat that much.]

Kei:After so much parrarels with Kurokami-san, we finnaly found something completly opposed to her in you.

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