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Arika's POV:

As soon i stepped my foot in the city, I smelled the breathe of my city. It has been 4 long years since I last came here. Either ways nobody was waiting for me to come home. This was not even my own house because nobody can ask me to leave from my own house. However what really caught me was when I got a call from my father asking me or rather informing me that I needed to come back in here as it was my Cousin Sritija's wedding and I had to attend it at any cost.

At first I did not understand the need of them calling me over there when they themselves ........ leave it, lets not remember the bad past and make our own minds dirtier.

I had been forced to join this circus and so I came 3 days before the wedding so that nobody gets a chance to taunt me about it. 

Well not that I really care but still. 

I took a cab as I know that nobody was going to come to pick me up from here. As I reached home, I saw that there were people rushing from one place to the other. 

It looked like the wedding was going to take place at this very place only but then I knew that these were the relatives that i had to stay aware of. 

I looked around and kept my bag on the chair kept alongside the couch. I made my self comfortable on it and was about to take out my phone when the loud voice of my stepmother MRS. Damini Raichand boomed in the hall , "Look who has graced us with her presence today. Looks like the girl has decided to come back to the place where she belongs to." she said with a sick smirk on her face. 

I knew this was coming. It was not possible that this lady does not create any drama when she sees me. It is pretty obvious. She hated me and she had made it very clear to me and neither did I expect any type of love from her. She was not my mother . PERIOD!

Nobody could take mom's position in my life let alone replace her. Only dad has the audacity to give her position to this vile woman and still claim himself to be in love with her. It is unacceptable.

"Well you can take the room on the 3rd floor." she said with yet another dirty smirk on her face. 

"That is not my room. My room is on the 2nd floor alongside my mother's so it is better you get out of my way Mrs. Raichand."

"Well that room has been occupied by Shanaya. You can take the one on the 3rd floor. Or is it that you want to throw a tantrum about such a small thing as well. If yes go on let your father see what kind of a spoiled brat you are."

"I will talk to dad myself."

"Dad , Dad Where are you. .......... Da-"

"Yes I am here . What do you want Arika ? Why have you been yelling so much."

"Dad why has my room been occupied by Shanaya. You know that I and mom - "

"Yes that room has been taken by my daughter Shanaya. You can take other room if you want." he said looking least concerned about it.

It might be a trivial matter for him but it was not so small for me. 

"Dad why would you give my room to Shanaya. Why can't she take the room on the 3rd floor. " I said as I was trying to save my heart from breaking further.

"Well she is my daughter. This is my house. I get to decide. And moreover it would be good if she stays in the room beside mine and Damini's . After all children should remain close to their parents. So you better keep your mouth shut and follow what has been told to you to do. "

"Off course ! Your daughter. Or your step daughter. Dad I think you have forgotten that you have only one daughter and that is me Arika Raichand. Your daughter from your wife Meera Raichand. How could you do this to me and mom. " I said as I was weeping on the insides but did not let a single emotion show up on my face.


I cannot believe what happened. He slapped me. I looked at him with tears in my eyes and he looked at his hand and then at me with some guilt in his eyes but soon masked it up as he shouted at me to go back. This was a free show for the relatives as they began gossiping looking at me and my father , Mr. Damodar Raichand. 

That was when I heard the voice of Mrs. Raichand saying," Look I told you Damodar that we should not invite her. She created trouble for us on the very first day of her being in here. I do not know what is she going to do afterwards. " She said faking puty in her voice where as I still stood there with a hand covering my cheek. 

That was it for me to know that my father was no longer the man who loved and pampered me till no cost. He had changed into someone I did not know and honestly I did not even want to know. 

Just 3 days and I will be out of this mess. Just 3 days.

I had made myself determined so as to keep my distance from these people, attend Sritija's wedding and then leave. No bonds with people in here. 

I took my luggage and shifted it to the room on the 3rd floor. There were only 2 rooms on the entire 3rd floor. I was set up with a bed and minimal furniture and the other was used as a store room to keep scrape things.

I arranged my belongings in the room and got myself ready to attend the Haldi function.( Haldi is a festival in which turmeric is applied to the bride and groom before the wedding so as to bring glow on their face for the wedding day.)


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