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As soon as Amogh said those words, Mrs. Raichand was left fuming. She was withering with anger. She could not just keep her tongue in control anymore and shouted hysterically on Mr. Amogh "What is the meaning of that Mr. Shekhawat. What do you mean by not the real heir. Off course Shanaya is the real heir of the Raichands. She is the one who is going to take forward the business of the Raichands. She is the real heir."

That was when my sweet uncle replied politly to her, "Well what my people have told me is that she is your daughter from previous marriage. It is pretty obvious that she is not the legal heir of the Raichands. All this belong to Shanaya. "

"All this belongs to my husband Mr. Damodar Raichand. Shanaya is going to be the legal heir of everything. He is going to pass everything to her. Right Damodar." she said with her eyes portraying innocence but her tongue was spurting venom and that could be sensed by everyone in the region.

Damodar did not say anything just looked down. Damini was shocked by his behavior. "What is the meaning of all this. It is obvious that you are going to transfer it all to Shanaya is it not." she said hopefully again waiting to listen a positive reply to her statement.

"Well he can only transfer the things that are legally on his name. He cannot transfer something that is on Arika's name . Well Mrs. Raichand maybe you should have done your research before marrying a man to get money out of him. He does not own anything. Everything that your husband is taking care off today is Mrs. Meera Raichand's estate. She was the sole maker of whole of the property. She has worked hard alone. Your husband in here was nothing but a mere employee in her company."

That information was enough to shake the hell out of Damini. She held Damodar's collars and shouted " What does he mean to say. You have nothing of your own. We are all having nothing. Why would you not tell me something like that before. Why would you hide something so big from me. I should have not married you only. It is my mistake in the first place." She kept spurting out whatever nonsense was filled in her head without seeing who all are looking at her and what impact was the situation going to have on her.

"Well yeah, Mrs. Meera did not sign a single penny on his name. Everything belongs to Arika. She is the sole heir of all the properties. In fact this husband of yours does not even own the house you people live in."

Now that was a news for Arika as well. All her life she thought that the house was not hers and it was made by her father. That was the reason she did not retort even when she was asked to shift her room. Now that she knows that the house is hers, she would deal with these people in her own ways.

Mrs. Damini's head was hung low as tears of frustration made way in her eyes. Arika did not feel better than that in her entire life. Seeing the people who had hurt her and dared to speak ill about her mother deserved this only. She had this sadistic smile on her face that showed how content she was.

"We are here to take our daughter in law home. Either marry Arika off to Abhimanyu or we will bring police to this place as soon as we leave." Amogh warned again. Deepti who was standing mum till now kept her hand on Arika's head and smiled warmly at her.

Arika tried to hide her smile and successfully did it. These people did not need to know that they each other from before.

Her uncle and aunty came and joined their hands in front of her keeping their self esteem aside." Please marry their son. Please save us." They pleaded.

"Why should I ?" Arika asked a simple question to them. She did not need to.

Arika's grandmother and grandfather also came and joined their hands in front of her and pleaded her to marry the man. They were the same people who insulted her and her mother. Her heart was at peace listening them plead to her pathetically. She was not the usual soft hearted girl people know about who would fit exactly in the standars of an idealgirl who would abide by everything her elders said to her despite it being wrong.

No she knows where she is right and she would stand her ground and would not try to protect these people. So she did not agree to it.

However the final blow that came to her way was when her father joined his hands in front of her and said, " Us going to jail would not only hamper our reputation nut also our company's. That is your mom's hard work. Save that if you can." She felt pathetic looking at the man in front of her. There was a time he was her superhero. Now , he is trying to use the name of her dead mother to take out his own work. What a pathetic excuse in the name of a human being this man was.

That was when she agreed nodding her head. " I am ready to marry this man." She said her eyes first time meeting with Abhimanyu's who kept staring at her intensely like he would eat her up right then and there. However I need a written agreement from you guys that it was you who asked me to marry him from your own free will after you daughter ran away." That was when all looked at her amusingly. What was she trying to do?

"I do not want any of you coming back to me and blaming me for marring somebody else's groom. I know the type of people you guys are. Can do anything for money." she said looking at them like she had seen something that was not appealing at all. They all looked like tiny pieces of shit in her eyes.

Mr. and Mrs. Shekhawat including the senior once were amused seeing her presence of mind. Off course these people could play this trick on them as well. They could frame them for fraud as well. That was when Arika won the hearts of senior Shekhwat's as well.

"Well then it is decided. Your daughter is going to marry our son. Amogh you go to see the people outside. I would get my daughter in law ready myself." said Deepti looking at Arika with her eyes full of love for the girl.

In no time, they were ready and Arika was made to have a seat next to Abhimanyu in front of the holy pyre.

They took the wedding vows. Abhimanyu tied the mangalsutra around her neck and filled her partition with Sindoor when some of it fell on her nose. However when he was about to clean it off, she held his hand and nodded in no. Sindoor fallen on the bride's nose was a very good omen and she heard her mother say about it loads of times.

They took the 7 pheras around the holy fire and that was when the priest said that the wedding was done and that Arika and Abhimanyu were now husband and wife. They were tied together for the next 7 births.

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