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"Have a seat girl. No one goes away when I am talking to them." said Anamika in an ordering voice.

Arika decided to listen to them. She did not want to upset Amogh and Deepti. They were the only one aside of her mother that she trusted.

That was when made entry the great Abhimanyu Shekhawat, in a Black Ganji and black pyjamas. He seemed to have worked out. There was sweat all over his face and neck.

He came and directly stood near Deepti wiping his face with her pallu. Deepti made a face on this act of his and said, "Go to your wife now. You are married. Both the father and son are same. Not leaving my poor pallu alone."

Arika cringed at her words. Hell! She would not let this idiot spoil her precious clothes.

Abhimanyu on hearing Deepti's words looked up at Arika and passed her a smirk. She made a face looking at him.

But he seemed to be too lost looking at her. Damn, she looked beautiful in traditional clothes.

"Just like a red ticking time bomb." he thought laughing at his own silly thoughts.

"Ohh sure mom. Would keep that in mind next time." smirked Abhimanyu looking at Arika.

Arika made and face and thought not to say anything right now. She would see him in room.

"So Arika what were you saying about going from this house." asked Anamika in a hard tone.

Abhimanyu's ears perked up on this sentence. Why does she wants to leave.

"Ma'am I would not be sitting at home. I have a whole business line to take care of. Dev is there back in New York waiting for me to come over. Deepti ma'am knows about it very well. If you people would not let me live here just because I work, then I would rather leave this place." Arika made her point very clear.

She would not be staying at a place where her work is not respected.

"And who said that you are not allowed to work. In fact who told you that you need permission to work." asked Abhimanyu in a confused tone.

Arika did not reply to him and rather looked at Anamika when she said ,"No woman in this house has ever asked for permission to work. All the woman starting from the eldest to the youngest are working ladies. I do not want my first grand daughter in law to ask for anybody for permission."

Arika looked at her with her mouth agape when she continued," Especially queens are meant to give permission, not to take one." 

Anamika stood up after completing her words and went ahead and hugged Arika and said, "Welcome to the family. This is me Anamika Shekhawat. And this was your first test in which you passed very well. My son and daughter in law seem to have a great choice."

Anamika said as she looked towards Deepti and Amogh and both gave her a sweet smile.

Well now is the time for your Pehli Rasoi. You need to cook food for the members of the house.

Arika knew that something like that was about to come her way so she nodded and was about to go towards the kitchen when Jaishankar stopped her and said ,"Where are you going alone."

Arika seemed confused. She replied," To the kitchen to make food."

"Well young lady you did not seem to understand very well what my dear wife said. Let me explain that to you in easier words. You have married my grandson Abhimanyu and it is your Pehli Rasoi today."

Arika got even more confused listening to that. 

She nodded her head and said ," Ya that is the reason I am going towards the kitchen." 

Jaishankar shook his head at her. 

"No it is your pehli Rasoi. Both of yours." he said as he pointed towards Abhimanyu who had vanished somewhere while the whole communication was going on and now came back dressed in a white kurta.

"When I said your I meant both of yours. Abhimanyu is going to cook as many dishes as you do. You both are going to cook together. Your Pehli Rasoi." said Anamika smiling at Arika.

Arika's heart melted at her statements. Here she thought that she would have to deal with another pair of orthodox people who would stop her from doing anything that she wanted. And completely contrary to that, these people were breaking the orthodox society rules.

Where a woman is asked to take care of the kitchen, the man is asked to just eat and enjoy. When she is expected to be perfect in every work she does on the very first day, he is just expected to be like he was.

She is expected to change her priorities, her whole demeanor in just one day where as he can commit any number of mistakes at that still wont be frowned upon.

Just because he is a boy and she is a girl.

But the Shekhawats were not the same. They were different. They were not going to clamp the daughter in law to the kitchen while asking their son to enjoy all the joys of life.

So were the Shekhawats and this legacy would keep on going till the name of Shekhawats suffice in the world.

Abhimanyu came and stood aside of Arika and held his hand out for her to hold and asked, "Shall we Mrs. Shekhawat."

Arika looked at him and back at his hand and nodded her head at him and said," We shall."






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