A Call From Beyond |10|

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The sun rises before I can bear to pull myself away from Kiki's sleeping body

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The sun rises before I can bear to pull myself away from Kiki's sleeping body. Our erotic night lasted well into the wee hours of the morning. Kiki fell asleep with our bodies tangled. The feeling of his skin against mine cast out all the fear and anxiety that's been building over the last few days, and for the first time, I started to think that maybe everything would be okay.

I finally wiggle my way out from underneath him, thankfully not disturbing his slumber, before picking up our discarded clothes. I fold Kiki's up and lay it at the foot of the bed before pulling the covers up over his shoulders to make sure he doesn't get cold before showering and changing into some comfortable clothes.

I boot up my company to check out the social media sites for my channel. The computer barely gets past the start screen before an old-fashioned pink rotary phone flashes up on my screen, rattling and showing me someone is calling me from the ethereal.

A sense of dread plunks into my stop like a solid rock. I don't even have to guess who's calling. For the last several decades, she's always called to tell me she's disappointed that I let another one of his birthdays slip by without calling him.

This year it honestly didn't even cross my mind. I watch the pink phone jiggle, I know it's probably worse not to answer, but I risk it and let the image fade away.

Soon my phone starts to ring with the same image, but I quickly silence it. Kiki stirs a little in his sleep but doesn't seem to wake up, thankfully.

The screen goes black Only for a moment before it lights up once more, only the phone goes from pink to red.  

She's getting pissed.

I turn my phone off, knowing it not going to stop. Thankfully, years ago, I had the landlines removed; otherwise, that would be next.

The woman will get a hold of me one way or another, even if she has to send a damn pixie to do it. Finding one will take her time, though, since she's not a cupid.

When the computer starts again, I know I won't be able to get any work done, so I might as well head down to Choi's Market to get something for Kiki to eat. Unlike pixies, he can't survive on pure sugar.

I grab my purse and give the Kiki blanket mound one last longing look. Knowing he's naked under that pile makes it hard to walk away.

If I'm fast enough, maybe I can catch that beautiful body just as it wakes up.

That's enough motivation for me. I'm out my door, down my apartment steps, and on the sidewalk in a heartbeat. My short stint to Choi's Market is lighter than normal. It's like my feet don't even touch the pavement.

Even the jingle from the entrance bell at Choi's store sounds more melodic.

I walk around the store as others go about their daily shopping. What do people even eat for breakfast? What would Kiki even like?

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