Chapter 4: Burden to Bear

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Yoo Joonghyuk beared the burden of being a reggresor.

On his shoulders, were the lives of every single companion he's ever had— the ones that had both lived and died because of him. On his shoulders, was the fate of the entire world.

After all, he was the only one capable saving this world from tragedy. He was the only one capable of preventing this world's bad ending. It was his weight to carry and his alone.

Being a regressor was not one bit easy, Yoo Joonghyuk had long accepted that. Since to regress meant that he would have to give up all the sacred bonds he had forged in the past, all for the sake of the future.

The man had long accepted that if it ensured the survival of the world, then he would gladly regress no matter how many times.

At least, he'd thought that he was prepared for whatever trials the rounds of regressions would give him but,

New variables unlike any other round had appeared before him, cornering him to unfamiliarity. (It was easy to play god when you had information beforehand after all.)

"I'm not of this place!"

A transmigrator. A term that worms in the back of his mind, but not exactly something Yoo Joonghyuk could place his finger on for some strange reason. Whatever it was, it had to be a derivative form of reincarnation.

The first new variable being that an unnamed someone that had actually survived the first scenario alongside him. Granted, it was through a dirty trick, but that person had survived nevertheless.

"This reggresion of yours, will not turn out like the rest."

It was simply so dumbfounding, that the only reason why Yoo Joonghyuk had even thought to spare him in the first place was all due to the man having information normal people wouldn't.

"There will be a man, fated to be your companion in life and death. He will guide you and be your brightest light. His name—"

Yoo Joonghyuk did not bother to listen to the rest. It was unlike him. But he could not bring it in his heart to trust in the words of a foreign variable.

But what was even more dumbfounding to the regressor was, that it was the truth. That person had not lied, since Yoo Joonghyuk would know otherwise through his lie detection abilities.

(It didn't matter anyways. Such a person would not survive, as Yoo Joonghyuk had then proceeded to leave them behind to a horde of zombies. He may have spared them, but the apocalypse could never be kind to deadweight.)

Now the second unknown variable was that, Kim Namwoon was dead.

Kim Namwoon's had become a mere fiend, to which Yoo Joonghyuk willingly spared and passed by since the boy had been his ally in the past regression. Lee Hyunsung was also nowhere to be found in the usual train compartment.

The man quickly rationalized himself— The only way Kim Namwoon could have died, was if someone had killed him. That meant that compartment 3807 too had another unknown variable that deviated from the norm.

(What a shame he died.)

His question was answered when Yoo Joonghyuk rammed through the crowd of zombie fiends, finding a heaving man at the edge of bridge.

The man whom fended himself from the zombies using nothing more than a single pocket knife, looking already at his limit.

"Another one that survived?" Yoo Joonghyuk frowned, easily splitting the sea of zombies with one slash.

Let's make this one quick.

After gripping by the throat, Yoo Joonghyuk began his interrogation.

"Your name. I'm asking for your name."

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