Chapter 6: Socializing is hard...

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"What do you mean he got dropped...?"

Yoo Joonghyuk glared at Yoo Sangah and then me. "That doesn't matter. You, answer my question now."

"Hey, I wanna know what the hell's going on too!" Kim Namwoon asked.

"Ahh I get it I get it!! I'll answer you guys so just give me some space!!!" I cried.

Just then, a bright light flashed from above. Surprise surprise, it was Bihyung the dokkaebi appearing right on time.

"Well would you look at that, dear constellations? Only one guy died out of this whole crowd!" He grinned.

"To manage to get a constellation's interference, you people sure are one lucky lot..."

Right. Yoo Sangah's sponsor was the one that had prepared the 'Duex Ex Machina' bridge in the first place. Befitting of its title, a convenient plot ass-pull.

"Such a shame one of the more interesting ones couldn't survive!" Bihyung cackled. "Let that be a lesson to learn, to not even try to test the bounds of a scenario."

Eyeing everyone else, I could see that Bihyung had successfully dropped their team morale down to zero. Except Yoo Joonghyuk of course. He was a loner through and through.

Now that Kim Dokja was temporarily gone, no one would be there to lead them. They'd basically have to survive blindfolded, with higher deities constantly toying with their lives. Part of being a Dokkaebi meant that if the constraints of plausibility allowed it, then they were allowed to manipulate scenarios as they see fit.

Little did Bihyung know that minutes after this, Kim Dokja would change his fate forever.

The dokkaebi quickly switched up to a more cuter expression, "Anyways! As all of you have managed to survive the first main scenario, let's see how you'll fare with the second one!"

A window screen popped up.


[Main Scenario #2 – Meeting]

Category: Main
Difficulty: E
Clear conditions: Cross the tunnel and meet the survivors in the first main base.
Time limit: None
Reward: 500 coins
Failure: ???


"That shouldn't be too hard right? Make sure you all do your best to entertain okay? I'm off now!" Bihyun faded away yet again.

Yoo Sangah, Lee Hyunsung, and Lee Gilyoung were left dumbfounded, with all their questions done answered.

"So Kim Dokja-ssi is gone now...." Yoo Sangah mumbled.

Lee Gilyoung and Lee Hyunsung also had a solemn look on their faces. The time they spent together trying to survive may have been short, but there was still a silent agreement between all of them that Kim Dokja was the assigned leader.

Except for Han Myungoh. I'm pretty sure that guy was muttering on and on about how Kim Dokja deserved what he got.

"...No. That fool will be fine." Said the culprit, with not even a semblance of guilt in his tone.

Wow, look at this bastard making white lies all of the sudden.

I whispered to Yoo Joonghyuk, "I can't answer all your questions now, but I will one day. All you need to know is that I only brought back Kim Namwoon because of your relationship with him."

It wasn't completely a lie. Half truth maybe. I mainly resurrected Kim Namwoon because I was such a sucker for characters with lost potential.

"He was your companion in the past rounds right? It'd be a shame if he died, so consider this your debt to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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