Chapter 5: Contracts and Chaos

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Last we left off, I had formed a contract with Kim Namwoon.

Let me explain what just happened.

In Daoism beliefs, the human soul is divided into two: which is the Hun and the Po. Something similar to the Yin and the Yang.

The Hun, was the part of the soul that represented the mind and consciousness, our ability to think. When someone dies, the Hun is the spiritual soul that would later ascend to the afterlife.

The Po, however was the corporeal soul that would continue to reside in the body even after death. It represented not humanity but our origin instincts. In simple terms, our 'animal' soul.

So when Bihyun had increased the scenario's difficulty by releasing black ether onto the subway corpses, it corrupted their Po and caused them to become mindless beast-like zombies.

The ability [Po Nullification] was obviously something used to fight off against evil spirits or corrupted souls, and just so happened to be the perfect skill for me in that situation. It would've neutralized the black ether and laid their souls to rest.

However, that was not what I did.

What I did was that I had neutralized Kim Namwoon's black ether not to defend myself, but to specifically make him my own personal jiangshi.

That would lead one to several questions: Why would that work on Kim Namwoon? Why did he still retain human consciousness even after being cast [Po Nullification]?

The answer was simple. First off all, he was a mutant. But the other main reason was because his soul (Hun) still lingered on earth.

When I had first read Omniscient Reader Viewpoint, there was one single line that I could never get off of my mind and still miffed me until this day.

A slain Kim Namwoon weakly mumbling, "I don't want to die..."

It was his stubborn will that made it possible for Kang Namwoon to be resurrected. Had I done it on any other, they would've either dropped dead or became a total puppet. (At least, that was my theory.)

It was a bit of a surprise, really. I didn't expect Kang Namwoon to still be fully capable of thinking. At the very least, I had expected there to be less snappy wits.

Because the first thing Kim Namwoon said the moment his was resurrected as a Jiangshi was—

"What kind of sick fucking joke is this?"


It took him a while to wrap his head around resurrection, and the fact that he was technically my servant now. Despite his horrible comments, the boy did a superb job at fending off all the other zombies. (Not that he could go against it anyways, since my orders were absolute.)

"I'll get one thing straight, no way in hell am I gonna be some weird guy's slave!" He claimed.

Currently, that same Kim Namwoon was carrying me in a piggyback position.

[2 minutes remaining until the scenario ends.]

"Go faster. The bridge is gonna disappear soon." I tugged onto the ends of his hair, pretending that he was some sort of vehicle.

"Damn you—!" Kim Namwoon clicked his tongue, but picked up his pace anyways.

"Can't you just run yourself!?"

"Hah? Are you an idiot? Do these weak limbs of mine look like they can last a mile? You're a mutant jiangshi now, so this should be no problem for you."

It was a bit fun to be the one stepping over people for once. It would be bad if I got addicted to this though.

"Tch, just my luck. Why did I have to get resurrected by a weirdo of all people..."

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