Day 6

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//Back To Felix POV, Third Person://

The doctor was strangely affected by the sudden outburst of the patient from the day before, so he was really worried about him. He grabbed his usual items, grabbing an extra granola bar, just like he has been doing for the past few days. So far, he could ready Hyunjin really well. He's a boy who is scared of ending up like his family.

Knocking on his door, he gave his usual announcement for coming inside before opening the door slowly. He peeked his head in the door, seeing Hyunjin in his bed, his back to the door, which indicated he was asleep. Felix hummed and saw that next to the door was trash. He replaced it with the new items and left.


Of course, his shift didn't end in thirty minutes within being there. So he had so many extra things to do, which includes cleaning up patients room's while they were out at the central part of the hospital (those patients weren't as aggressive or as affected by their illness as Hyunjin so they were allowed to leave thier rooms).

After he finished that, he planned to go visit Hyunjin before his lunch break, but a higher up wanted him to watch a few patients that live in Block O (in Block O, they were patients that had mild disorders, but they could be difficult to take care of, so thats why they needed a certain ratio of patients to doctors), and ended up making some acquaintances.

"I'm Jisung." Said one of the patients cheerfully. "You must be a new doctor here, I've neeevvveeerrr seen you around before."

Felix laughed, "Yeah, it's actually my 6th day working here." He explained smoothly. "Wait, whose you're cavegiver?"

"Mine's Lee Minho. He's the one with black hair-" He pointed out proudly. "He's really handsome, isn't he?"

Felix nodded. He looked at the other two patients, one looked upset, and the other looked bored. Jisung noticed this and hit both of them on the leg.

"WAKE UP! Guys! This is Felix!" He smiled. "The angry pig is Changbin." He joked, nudging the angry one's side, who glared atvhim in return. "This handsome devil is Bang Chan." His arm threw around teh both of them holding them close. "THEY'RE MY BEST BUDS!!!"

"Jisung let go of me right fucking now." Changbin snickered out, pushing the excited brunette away as he smacked his shoulder as hard as he could.

The other just leaned on Jisung's shoulder and said nothing. "Changmean is what your parents should've named you." Pouted the other.

"You guys seem close."


Suddenly, three other doctors came over since the other patients went back to their rooms. "Oh Jisung stop being so loud, will you?" The 'Minho' doctor cried.

"Oops, sorry Hyung."

"I see you've met Felix." He said, moving over to the new recruit. "We've met briefly before I think. You're working with Patient 4986-546, right?"


  One of the doctor's gave a frightened look though he recognized him as a college student he met when he was still in school, "Are you okay?"

  Minho smacked him in the back of the head, "Jeongin, shut up."


  "Don't worry." Felix gave a short grin, "I'm okay. He isn't that bad, really."

  "WHAT?!" All three of them asked loudly.

  "Is that surprising?"

  "Hyunjin is a terrifying and you say that he isn't THAT BAD?!" Jeongin screamed in surprise.

His Doctor // HYUNLIXWhere stories live. Discover now