Day 34

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(How many chapters will Day 34 last?! Until it ends.

Also, half smut warning. No promises that it won't happen again °v°)

  Felix looked at Hyunjin, who tangled his hand in Felix's pink hair, his eyes burning into his. The older gave a small snicker, shaking his head as he bit his lip. He seemed so sexually frustrated at the moment, that once he was ready, he'd snap.

  "You have no idea how much I've been thinking about this moment." He whispered breathlessly, his eyes still attached to Felix's face. His open hand was in the side of his face, holding him as if the moment wasn't real, "Are you sure you mean it? 100% honesty. No jokes."

  Felix smiled consentouslly, "I mean it."

  "If you go back on your word, you know I'd have to kill you, right?" He risked saying with a grim twist in his voice. The pink haired doctor sighed and nodded before leaning forward, touching Hyunjin's nose with his own.

  "I don't break promises."

  With their lips touching, Hyunjin felt a spark of euphoria fill his body as he moved his hand from his face to the man's waist, pulling his hips up against his own. The kiss deepened with ease as Hyunjin was quick to break it, attaching his lips around Felix's Adam's apple, sucking in it harshly, as the pink haired let out a soft groan. He ran his hands up and down Felix's sides, his shirt riding up and down with it. Hyunjin lips left the boy's throat as he tilted his head up, connecting his eyes with the other's, his eyes laced with lust and desire for the doctor.

  "You don't know how much I've been wanting this to happen..." He breathed out, his minty breath tingling on the younger's neck. A shiver ran down Felix's spine as his deep and harsh sounding words.

  The man kissed Hyunjin again, his hand pulling his face up to his own. Felix's hand tugged on Hyunjin's shirt, breaking the kiss as the older went for another. With a small movement of his head he blocked the kiss and eyed Hyunjin who bit his lip and stared at him back.

  "Are you sure you want this?" The younger muttered, his considerate tone in his voice ringing in Hyunjin's ears.

  He smirked, his hand slipping up Felix's shirt, causing him to gasp as his cold touch, "I've never wanted anything in my entire life than I do in this moment~"

  The freezing hand kneaded in Felix's side, his ice-like touch making Felix whimper. Hyunjin's open hand grasped Felix's, locking his fingers in-between his. The two began to make-out again, the taller's knee slowly creeping in between the shorter's legs. Suddenly, with a sharp and strong movement, he pulled Felix's shirt up, removing it entirely from his body.

  "Fuck... Your hand is so cold..." He cursed out, as the older sat up and took his own off.

  "Do you like it?~" he flirted out, kissing his jaw line roughly. With the simple nod, Hyunjin continued to move his open, freezing hand around Felix's bare skin, still holding onto the Felix's hand with the other. "What else do you like?"

  The doctor watched as Hyunjin began to dry grind his jeans onto his own, painfully slow, "I-I can't remember..."

  "Hmm?~" The ex-patient leaned down to his ear, "Then we'll find out, huh?"

  Felix felt the small friction on his hard-on speed up and moaned softly. His eyes shut as the long haired man gripped onto Felix's hair, pulling his face up towards his own.

  "Tell me~ Do you like when I'm rough and mean to you?~" he growled in a deep, low whisper, making Felix's eyes open to stare at Hyunjin's stunning eyes, "or~ do you like it when I'm nice and gentle?"

  Felix's eyes were flickering back and forth between his eyes, trying to decide, even while Hyunjin's hand was getting dangerously low to his crotch, "I-I don't know..."

  With a tiny sigh, he sat up and stopped grinding onto Felix, his own hard member  starting to become to much, "Well, I can tell for sure, you are not dominant~ I'm not so sure about your preferences either, so how will this work?~"

  The blonde sat up aswell, his lips connecting with Hyunjin's again. The older kissed back, deepening the kiss. His hand began to palm onto Felix's jeans harshly, causing him to moan into the kiss, his arms wrapping around Hyunjin's neck, trying to pull him closer, yet the older still broke it.

  "I like bondage..." He whispered at last, his cheeks turning red, making Hyunjin raise his eyebrows, "and..." He leaned into Hyunjin ear and whispered the rest.

  "That's cute~" he told him, he kissed Felix again for a shorter amount of time, before he sat up completely, "I wish we could continue but yet, I don't have anything with us so it wouldn't work. But~ I can offered you something to make up for it."

  The doctor perked up, sitting up as Hyunjin got off of Felix's lap, and stood up, unbuttoning his jeans. The doctor blushed a deep red. With his unbuttons jeans, Hyunjin grabbed Felix's hand and pulled him up. He pulled his closer and flirted something in a low voice, making the doctor go even more red. Once he saw Felix nod, he smirked, giving him a peck on the cheek before leaving him standing there by walking into the bathroom.

  Slowly, Felix followed him, glancing at the window that shown the moonlight down in their room before disappearing into the bathroom where the water started running.

  For them, it was one hell of a night.


Just a spoiler, no they didn't fuck. Yes they showered together BUT NOTHING ELSE HAPPENED!

Edit: Hmmm... Past self are you sure Abt that because I think everyone else was fucking on the way to find em.

Also next time we get a spicy scene, it'll probably be full smut. I'm not good at smut scenes so that's why it takes me forever on them.








His Doctor // HYUNLIXTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang