Day 28

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  "I can't believe that they practically kidnapped us and we have a fucking gourmet chef." Jeongin gasped, shaking Seungmin who still warily froze up. It was clear Jeongin didn't mind their situation as much as having Chan be apart of it. Minho wasn't in the greatest mood, though he was sure enjoying the food. Felix, on the other hand, was almost asleep when the food was place in front of him.

  The boy yawned and looked at the other three who looked at him in sudden worry. "Felix, you good?" Minho questioned.

  "M' okay... just a bit tired..." He responded, rubbing his eyes. "I couldn't sleep much last night... Hyunjin is worrying me..."

  "Bitch, we all should be worried for both them and ourselves! Are you stupid? They fucking kidnapped us!" Seungmin cried, restraining himself from crying, even though tears were almost pouring out of his eyes once more.

  "Seungmin-ah..." whispered Felix, who covered his ears. "Not so loud..."

  The younger groaned and slapped Felix, "Stop acting like this is okay!!! We are fucking kidnapped! I have a fucking family you know! All I wanted to do was finish my degree in one piece!"

  The blonde reacted calmed and grabbed Seungmin's hand and sat him down. "Changbin cares about you too much to lock you up. He's probably going to let you go sooner or later. I know Jisung is probably getting a place for him and Hyung. Chan might let Jeongin go depending on his mood while I know I'm not getting out of this shit. All you have to do right now, it let time pass." He explained without even a stutter. "I've been through a similar situation so just relax."

  "WHAT?!" All three of them exclaimed at once.

  "It's a whole yandere thingy. Don't worry about it." He waved off. "I'm too tired to explain it but just let it go. They'll eventually let you all go so just wait it out."

  "Felix, what the fuck do you mean?"

  "Why do you think I became a doctor with a therapy degree? I became a therapist to help myself get my own shit together and then I became a doctor to do something I wanted to do since forever. Help others." He told them, picking at his food with a fork.

  "Yandere's are real?"

  "Not technically. It's pretty much just some obsessive ass people who are controlling as hell. It's also a mental disorder. The girl is in jail now so let's change the topic."

  "Is that why you're gay?"

  "Nope. And I'm not gay, I'm pansexual." He leaned back in his chair, yawning again.

  Seungmin, Jeongin, and Minho had their jaws dropped, and lost their appetite (not really, Jeongin and Minho still ate with Seungmin was shocked to the core). The thing that was the worst about this situation, was that now all the boys had a newly created fear of strangers.

(A/n: Short filler chapter!)

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