Day 27

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Rushing into the hospital, he saw that all the doctors were gathered at he front if he hospital while even the police were planning on staying away from the patient. Instantly, Felix attempted to go down the hallway. His arm was pulled back by two hands. Turning around, he saw his three friends looking ahead of him in concern.

"Let us come too... Jisung, Chan, and Changbin are with him..."

One of the doctor's gasped and sprinted up to us. "YOU PUT THE FOUR OF THEM TOGETHER?!"

"Uhh... yeah?" Seungmin questioned. "Come on. Go before they hurt anyone else-"

"YOU'VE KILLED US ALL!!!" The lady screamed in panic, running out of the hospital in terror. Furrowing his brows, Jeongin rolled his eyes before focusing in the four patients that needed to be calmed down.

"Let's go. People are just dramatic about Hyunjin." He eased before heading in first.

Felix was still looking back when he realized everyone else went into the hospital. He turned to the door and called after them, "WAIT UP!!!" Before running down the hall with them.


The four men stood in a end hallway, surrounded by security. The guards smirked in pride, thinking that they had detained them. Once the first man lunged forward, Changbin hit them with his metal pole, while Jisung tazed them with his tazer he 'borrowed' from Minho's pocket before he clocked out. Hyunjin gave a smug smirk in response.

"I'll give you all the chance to walk away in 5 seconds. If you choose to stay... you'll end up like you're friend here. If you go, we'll forgive and forget." Instantly, all of them backed away except for the leader of the group.

"Shawn! Come on!"

"I can take these bastards! Fuck the amount of people they've killed!" He announced in bravery.

Hyunjin recognized him as someone. "You're the asshole who sent Felix a a picture of your dick!" He screamed bluntly. The three men behind Hyunjin immediately back off, knowing this was now Hyunjin's battle.

"Yeah, so what? He's cute and would be a good fuck? You aren't supposed to see his phone, so why does it matter to you?" The brunettes eyes hardened on the man as he threw his bat at the man in anger.

"IT DOES MATTER YOU FUCKING SHIT!!!" The bat hit the man in the nose, probably breaking it. Following the bat, he punched the man square in the lower region before kicking him in the leg. He stole the gun from his hands and shot him right in the balls before through the head.

"Damn 'Hyun... you really are whipped for Felix."

"Shut the fuck up Jisung. You're one to talk." He spat, kicking the lifeless corpse of the man. Turning to his friends, he saw that Changbin and Chan leaned against the wall in boredom.

"When are they coming? It's been atleast two hours." The oldest whined.

"Soon..." Jisung stood up, before setting his weapon down and pointing to the hallway with closed eyes, seeming to be listening to the silent air. "They are listening..."

"Good." Changbin laughed, finally picking up his weapon again. "I was getting impatient."

"Is the entire place figured out? I've stayed in this damn hospital long enough." Chan asked Changbin who rolled his eyes.

"Of fucking course. I got my mom to help us out." Hyunjin's eyes went into slight fear.

"Does... does your dad know...?" Jisung walked up the frightened man and pat his back. Hyunjin was locked on his question, feeling his paranoia uncontrollably worry.

His Doctor // HYUNLIXWhere stories live. Discover now