T w e n t y

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PENELOPE discreetly tugged at a stray button on her wrist. She was going to have Lord Vatterly button it in front of everyone. Lord Hawthorne and the rest were trailing behind them, so she knew everyone would see.

"Is that who I think it is?" her companion murmured. Penelope looked up. Vatterly was staring in the direction of an old man with a monocle, arm in arm with a woman far too young and pretty for him. "It is." In a much louder voice, Lord Vatterly cried, "Lord Holt!"

The elder man's eyes squinted in recognition. "Vatterly? Is that you?" The old man–Lord Holt—strode over to where the rest of them stood. He and Vatterly began enthusiastically chatting about whatever business they'd both partook in a year or so ago. Penelope impatiently waited for them to quit their pleasantries and part ways. His wife's eyes were glued to the grass. Poor thing. Penelope's heart hurt for women who'd been forced to marry men so much older than them. She clearly wanted them to stop talking too. The two men, however, prattled on for minutes. Penelope sighed. Out of the corner of her eye, Penelope saw Percy whisper something to Charlotte. They both shared a brief nod of agreement.

"Lord Holt, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Mrs. Wilhelm." Charlotte said.

Lord Holt planted a kiss on Charlotte's hand. It was a tad too wet and much too long. Penelope swallowed a reflexive gag. How did he, of all people, have the audacity to lust after someone else's wife? "The pleasure is mine."

"You're clearly a good friend of our Lord Vatterly. Why don't you join us for lunch?"

"We'd be delighted," Lord Holt replied.

"Darling, we have other engagements today. Remember?" Lady Holt interjected.

"Only tea with one of your silly friends. We can do that another day."


"---I said another day," interrupted Lord Holt. His voice was firm. His wife shrunk beside him.

Penelope felt a pang of compassion. Why was Charlotte inviting this man in the first place?

"Lovely," Charlotte beamed sunnily, as if she hadn't witnessed the awkward moment between husband and wife. "Shall we walk together?"

After a half hour of strolling through the park, the party packed into their carriages and departed for Berkeley House. Once they arrived at Berkeley, they all settled in the drawing room. Somehow, Lord Hawthorne was bullied into playing a tune on the harpsichord. He played a throaty, melancholy song as everyone talked. If Lord Vatterly had bothered to talk to her instead of Lord Holt, Penelope wouldn't have noticed what came next. Lady Holt's gaze rested fixedly on Lord Hawthorne. Her eyes were as melancholy as the harpsichord's notes. When he finished playing, Penelope watched their eyes catch before hurriedly breaking apart.

Penelope's heart lurched. What was that?

After a little more entertainment, they adjoined in the dining room for lunch. Penelope was seated next to Lady Holt. Ever the charmer (at least when she wanted to be), Penelope tried her best to draw her partner into conversation. Lady Holt was aloof and cold. She thwarted all of Penelope's attempts at banter with clipped answers. Somehow, it came up that Penelope was a housekeeper. 

Lord Holt stared at her with distaste, but that was to be expected. Penelope ignored him. It was his wife's reaction that surprised her. She snapped to attention. "A housekeeper? You?"



Penelope wondered if she should lie. "Hawthorne Castle." She felt Lord Vatterly tense.

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