T h i r t y - f o u r

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PENELOPE would always have a special attachment to Berkeley House. She realized that as she crossed the threshold for the second time and melted into Charlotte's welcoming arms. It was the place where she had come face to face with Harry's old lover (this was an unfortunate fact), but it was also the place where she and her love had reconciled. It was where they had had their first kiss. Would he ever have worked up the nerve to be with her if not for Berkeley's characters and his friends' interference? Penelope did not know, and she was glad she would never have to find out.

Per their last visit, old customs were followed that night. The men adjoined to another room to drink and gossip while the women went to another room to do the same. Charlotte suggested that they play their infamous drinking game with cards.

Penelope shook her head. "You don't have to pry me with a drink this time. I'll tell you everything you want to know willingly."

Emma laughed and Charlotte shrugged her shoulders innocently as she took a dainty sip of lemonade. "I don't know what you mean. That wasn't my intention at all."

"Tell us everything," Emma said.

"There's not much to tell," Penelope replied shyly, which surprised her. She was certainly a lot of things, but shy wasn't one of them.

"Liar," Charlotte said. "You see why I wanted to prime you? Don't hold anything back."

So, Penelope told them the parts she was willing to bare. There were stories and details that she hadn't even related to Polly yet, and she wondered if she ever would. When it came to romps and romances, Penelope had never batted an eye before she spilled every last detail. But this was too precious. What she did tell Emma and Charlotte did seemed to be enough, because they wouldn't stop cooing.

"And to think that we are to thank for it," Emma said.

"That might be a touch conceited," Penelope pointed out.

"Really?" Charlotte sniffed mockingly. "You won't thank us?"

"Well." Penelope crossed her arms. "You did provide some encouragement."

"Some?" Emma echoed. "The two of you were impossible."

"No, I think you mean Harry was impossible."

"It wouldn't have been possible without us," Emma said proudly.

"Whatever you say."

"We're very happy for you," Emma said seriously. "I don't think I've ever seen Harry so gay."

"I second that," Charlotte added. "You're exactly what he needs. Exactly what he deserves."

"Thank you."

"If it weren't for my mother, I don't think I'd ever been so happy."

"Have you spoken with her lately? Do you think she'd allow you to come back home? It's only right, now that you're truly courting," Charlotte said.

The suggestion beckoned tears to Penelope's eyes. "The last time we spoke was at my friend's wedding. It wasn't a happy meeting." Charlotte and Emma murmured their apologies. "It's alright. I know that we cannot continue this way. I almost have enough funds to rent a cottage."

"You might not have to," Charlotte said slyly.

"What's the alternative?"

"There might be a way for you to resolve your reputation whilst staying at Hawthorne," Charlotte continued. "I believe the men are toasting to it as we speak."

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