9 - Eloise

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I don't know what is going on. And I don't understand why my dickhead boss is kissing me or why I'm even returning the kiss when all I want to do is beat the shit out of him for being such an asshole.

His lips touching mine are sending some crazy sensations to spark throughout my body, and as much as I hate him, I'm strangely loving the feeling he's making me feel at the moment—but I also hate it—I hate him!

The fire Callum ignited inside me has now burst into flames, causing the room we're in to feel like he brought me down to his layer—his abode of the damned—hell. And I feel like he turned my body into one massive Molotov cocktail, that when he gets my knees to give out, and I drop, I'll blow up—like when someone removes the safety pin from the grenade and drops it—it'll be one massive explosion.

And now I feel I need to be punished for kissing the arrogant bastard and enjoying it. Callum's mouth covering mine is fervently intense and authoritative, and it's pissing me off that my pussy is reacting to it and him, acting like it badly needs and wants him. It's throbbing, aching, pulsating, clenching, and it desires that he fix what he started.

And the butterflies inside my belly erupted into chaos.

Callum's lips feel like I'm kissing a cloud. They're full and puffy.

And so familiar.

I can't do this with him. I can't allow him to make me feel this way. I can't let him trick my body into thinking I like him.

This is his plan. And the reason he's been so quiet these last few months—he's been planning his attack to make me submit to him.

No. No. No. I won't allow Callum to control me or my feelings.

I have to stop this.

My hands rested on his chest, and when I started pushing him away, that only made him more of a monster by pulling me tighter against him and kissing me more possessively. It was hotter—scorching hot, exciting, demanding, and so delicious and appetizing that my body started disobeying me, craving more of him.

His tongue slid along my bottom lip, and when he sucked my lip into his mouth, my body convulsed, and my panties were no longer dry—they were drenched.

And he knew it.

He figured out a way to shut me up—the entire reason he kissed me on the spur of the moment. He didn't want to hear me calling him out on his bullshit. He didn't want me laughing in his face for his hypocrisy. So he tried to silence me, to show he was in control. And that if I continue disobeying his orders, I'll find out exactly what he means when he says he doesn't play nice.

And to see if his arrogant charm worked on his hot-head assistant who hates his guts, he lowered his hand between my thighs, grazing a finger along my wet pussy. He groaned, let go of my lip, but then hungrily crashed his mouth back onto mine. His tongue dominated my mouth, leaving me breathless when his mouth broke free.

"Was that enough to shut that fucking trap of yours?" His hardness pressed harder against me when he crammed me against the wall, causing my panties to become damper.

Showing I wouldn't give in to him, I lifted my chin and scoffed, "Nothing you do will ever shut me up. You're too much of an asshole not to."

"Is that so?" he returned humorously.

He doesn't do relationships.

He's a one-and-done type of guy.

He finds women who only want one-night stands.

And I gave him all the ammo in my emails, letting him know I'm a willing participant in one-night stands.


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