43 - Callum

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"Wait a minute," Eloise said, looking bewildered, which is expected after what I had just admitted to her. "Back up. Did you just say you bought an airplane and a sex club?... For me?"

That I did, and these last three weeks, I've been wondering what I was thinking, if I made the right decision, or if I'd made a huge mistake.

But my gut told me something different from my mind—I did the right thing.

My gut also insisted that the three weeks I've been feeling sorry for myself was something we both needed—a break from each other to be sure a relationship and a future together are what we want.

That's what I've been telling myself, anyway, hoping that's the case.

My heart and mind know I still want her in my life. The question is, is it me she wants in her life?

I nodded, gently saying, "I did. I wasn't in Oregon just to say goodbye to Victoria and her family. I also took home the plane I had bought for us. It had to go through an inspection before it was in my hands. And since I knew I'd be in Portland, I arranged to have it ready for when I left to come home."

"Take home? When did you buy it?"

"Not long after returning from Hawaii. At first, I was going to bring you with me to help pick that perfect aircraft out. But then I changed my mind. I thought it would be better if I made it a surprise."

Her head slowly nodded, looking over me as she processed what I said. Then her eyes returned to mine as she asked, "And the club? Did you say you bought me a sex club? And that's why I saw you with those people that day?"


"Yes. I had no idea they would be there when I returned from Portland. Apparently, Skye's been having a rough pregnancy—she's pregnant with triplets. And because they've been spending a lot of time at the doctor's and home because of her sickness and other pregnancy-related issues, they became desperate to get rid of the club. So they flew to Chicago to present an offer they knew I wouldn't refuse. They were looking to get it off their hands that day and were talking about selling it to another person who practically offered them what they were asking for if I had changed my mind."

"How long have you been interested in it?"

"It originally caught my eye about a year ago. But when you showed interest in my brother's club, and brought up how you wouldn't mind having your own club, I made them an offer. We went back and forth for months, and then they lowered the price by five hundred grand to see if I'd be interested in buying at that price. I told them no. Then when I came home to hear they were here with a price I couldn't refuse, I jumped on it. Then you overreacted about something that was nothing. And three weeks later, longer than it needed to be, here we are; I'm finally getting the chance to set the record straight."

Her eyes lowered, and she let out a long sigh. "I'm sorry. Emma tried stopping me from leaving the office that day. She also tried stopping me at the club, wanting me to confront you, and I refused. So did my sister. Both told me I made a mistake and needed to talk to you, but my stubborn ass refused to listen to them."

"Stubborn's putting it lightly," I quipped, a little cocky, yet a hint of a smile appeared on my lips.

It felt good to see her again, that she was here, and that she was listening to me. Now I just have to tell her about Victoria and how that fucking word ditto drives me nuts.

I rolled back on my knees, dragging my fingers through my hair.

"When are you going to free me, Callum?"

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