21 - Eloise

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Breakfast became a little more interesting after Isabelle shouted about her wonderment about me having sex with Callum. On top of everyone's eyes on him and me the entire time, Callum's friends also teased him about how his womanizing ways looked to be over, telling him he had found his match.

I wanted to laugh anytime his friends brought up him and me as a couple because that wasn't happening. Unfortunately, Callum didn't find his match; he just temporarily found someone as twisted as him to play around with.

Our waitress also couldn't hold back her smile or gaze on Callum and me whenever she came to our table to check on us. So if she wasn't smiling at us—mainly him, because of Isabelle's comment, it was because she was eye fucking Callum, and she was probably wondering what a gorgeous creature such as him could be doing with a woman like me.

I shouldn't have cared, but how the waitress couldn't stop gazing at or smiling at Callum and checking on him constantly to see if he needed anything had me feeling jealous. And it eerily pissed me off—upsetting me thinking how I was. Because I'm not the jealous type, for one. And two, we are not together—just fuck buddies for the time being—having sexual fun to satisfy our needs while in paradise.

Callum never set off the vibrator during breakfast, and I'm grateful for that. But I know it's coming. And I know it's going to happen sometime during our dance lessons.

My only hope is that he'll wait until we do something else for him to turn me on.

Once we got to the studio, they separated us women from the guys.

Today's lessons are the bridal party line dance. We bridesmaids and Isabelle will learn our dance for the men, and the groomsmen and Rory will learn their dance for us ladies.

Tomorrow's dance lessons will be about the bridal party line dance and the following day, we'll be learning about the bridal party's couples' dance. At first, I wasn't too thrilled about learning that one. As of today? I'm excited. So far...

Our instructor was a beautiful Polynesian woman with a beautiful glowing tan, long dark hair, and the most beautiful almond-shaped and colored eyes I'd ever seen—she was drop-dead gorgeous. Yet, even though Callum wasn't in the room with us, I still felt uneasy when the thought of him seeing her and working his sexual magic on her as he did me came to mind. And it also made me wonder what the guys' instructor looked like.

I must have looked freaked out because Tallulah quickly asked, "Are you okay? You look worried about something."

"Yeah. I'm fine," I answered bubbly, lying through my teeth. I wasn't okay. I was freaking myself out with all these strange thoughts running through my mind today. Six months of hating Callum, and here I am, acting like I'm his significant other—worried about him looking at and stressing about the thought of him fucking another woman.

What the hell is wrong with me?

"Are you sure?" she pressed, intensely studying my face. She must have figured out what I was thinking because her eyes darted to our instructor and then at me, smirking, asking, "Are you worried Callum will see our dance instructor and try putting the moves on her?"

My lips twisted. "I'm not worried," I lied again.

She knew I was lying. "Liar." She smiled. "I wouldn't worry about Callum. He may be a known womanizer to all of us, but I watched him around you yesterday and this morning. The man is infatuated with you. Like seriously captivated by you and your beauty. I've never seen him act this way. Ever."

"Why do you think that? Because he and I have not got along since I started working for him. Every day we write hateful, insulting emails to each other. And he treats me like I'm a disease. He's only acting friendly to me because of where we are and who we're around. Guaranteed, he wouldn't act this nice to me if we were here alone. Or back in Chicago. He'd treat me as he has been, and I would be doing the same because we are just two toxic people who enjoy getting under one another's skin."

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