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'  𝐓𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟗, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟐  'The Hit Factory ━━━━𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑New York, NY

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'  𝐓𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟗, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟐  '
The Hit Factory ━━━━
New York, NY .ᐟ


Another day, more time being spent in the studio. Things were fairly productive than how it was yesterday, Imani now having knocked out If was know working on another song with the help of DeVanté. Today they were supposed to be recording You Want This with Imani going over the lyrics and DeVanté doing what he knows best which is handling production.

Speaking of DeVanté, the older man was so immersed in his work that Imani could've sworn that he forgot she was there at times. It was admirable to just watch him perfect his craft and she hopes that'll be something she can do better along the way.

Brown eyes peering onto the crisp pages of written words, Imani tapped the pen along its pages an inquiring question stitched deeply in her thoughts. She wanted to ask him, but he looked so focused and she didn't want to bother him.

From the corner of her eye, she glances at him before looking down at her songbook "What is it, Imani?"

Imani looked around like a deer caught in headlights "Uh...well." Did he notice that she was staring at him the whole time?

Keeping his eyes trained forward, he continued to tap buttons on the soundboard "You've been staring at me and not saying anything—so do you have something to say?"

Closing her book, Imani slowly faced him, damn she was caught "Well since we'll be working together on music I thought why not get to know each other." It came out quiet, as she was a bit unsure.

"Don't you already know enough?" Imani wanted to laugh so badly at this. that mysterious phase DeVanté swore he had going on ain't fooling her not one bit.

"Boy please, the whole mysterious thing you got going on ain't foolin' nobody and it sure as hell ain't foolin' me." She bluntly states with a roll of her eye "I don't think there's not one moment where I've seen your eyes since you're always wearing shades."

Pausing the audio, DeVanté faces her "Alright, Fine, but you gotta tell me about yourself first." Did he try to do reverse psychology on her?

Raising an eyebrow Imani answered nonetheless "Wouldn't be surprised if K-Ci told you this already but I'm from Atlanta—Bankhead if we're planning on being specific, spent the majority of my life singing with the choir in church since my mom made me "put that voice to good use." She mimics her mother's very thick accent, even thicker than hers before laughing "She was a vocal teacher so I learned everything from her, my dad is like how any dads are...a lil' strict, assertive. He pushed me to reach my goals and for that I thank him."

"My parents are Christian so I'm sure you know how that goes—no secular music. The only time I would ever get a chance to listen to what I wanted to listen to was when I went off to college." Imani's parents were adamant about their kids not listening to secular music as it went against everything they believed in. Little did they know they would only want her to listen to it even more.

When they were gone for bible study and church meetings she was the only one in the house since Eve was living her life in another state. Imani took it upon herself to listen to music and that's when she fell in love with Minnie Riperton, Whitney Houston, New Edition, Keith Sweat, and many other talented artists.

"Wait time out—you were in college? What made you come all the way here? You could've had a degree and shit." DeVanté couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Georgia State University I was there for about almost two years until a week ago when I got signed—I left because I wasn't happy...I was studying to be a teacher and it made me feel miserable, so I was like fuck it imma aim for what makes me happy and that's singing." she answers with a shrug "And before you say anything I can always go back and finish—but after I change my major."

Don't let the pretty face fool you, Imani was smart, having graduated with honors and a 4.0 GPA. She worked her ass off to graduate with such academic credentials and can easily go back to college whenever she pleases.

"All right enough about me for now, it's your turn." Imani wanted to genuinely get to know him. She knew there was something underneath the whole mystique exterior he displayed so why not find out what it was? "And with them shades off, everything must be genuine."

He chuckled to himself quietly, the natural habit of him licking his bottom lip occurring as the very few rings in his hand gleamed underneath the incandescent lights once he took the shades off that revealed his hazel eyes that he'd been hiding "Happy now? Anyways K-Ci's big mouth probably told you this but I'm from Virginia but moved to North Carolina—and since we're being specific Charlotte—we all are. Also grew up in church and often went on the road with my dad since me, Dalvin and my other brother Derek were a part of his gospel band."

So there's another one she thought to herself. saying nothing, she listens intently and motions for him to continue. One thing she did notice about him was how he had gorgeous eyes and shouldn't hide them all the time underneath shades.

"Anyways, this might sound crazy to you but when I was sixteen I ran away from home and went to Minneapolis to get a job with Prince." It came out unapologetic as DeVanté held not one ounce of embarrassment.

Imani shook her head in disbelief "You went all the way to Minneapolis at sixteen? To work for Prince? Now that's dedication." He traveled to Minneapolis to work with the legend himself Prince. At sixteen Imani was busy thinking about wanting to graduate already so she can have freedom, so what he did took a lot of guts and willpower.

"Unfortunately, I got turned down. While I was there I was up at Paisley Park every day begging for a job, asking people to listen to my tape. The receptionist kept saying she couldn't help me, me being persistent I wasn't about to leave until they put me on." Though his face didn't show it exactly, he reminisced a little about the memory as a simple rejection lead him and his brothers into further greatness.

DeVanté continued to tell Imani about himself though certain parts of it caused her to break into laughter. That was until the conversation switched up into them telling little stories of the littlest things that happened in their life.

"I remember when I first fell in love with music other than gospel." Her lips curved into a smile, the corner of her eyes crinkling in past happiness "Whenever my parents weren't home, I would turn on the tv, and that's where I saw Whitney Houston performing for the first time—the way she sang and captivated the audience made me believe that I was gonna be up there someday."

It was evident that the many late-night sessions provided a way for the young adults to connect with one another. Little did both know that it would lead them to a long, long ride.

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