Chapter 3

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WARNING: mentions of rape in this chapter

(Y/N)'s POV.

I was hanging out with Vaggie and Angel when I suddenly saw Husk sitting on a chair drinking something. Charlie and Alastor then came out of the kitchen so the others headed over to them. I then headed over to Husk but then I realized what he was drinking. I then took the bottle away and ran over to the couch and sat down. 

"(N/N), please give that back", he said, but I shook my head keeping the bottle away from him. "No, I know what alcohol smells and looks like", I said, but then he looked at me confused. "How do you know what alcohol is", he asked me, but then I looked down at the ground. 

"My dad used to drink every night, and I don't want you to end up like him", I said looking up at him. But then Husk bent down and smiled at me as he stared into my eyes. "Hey, I promise I won't end up like your dad, as long as you give me the alcohol back", he told me, but then I thought for a moment. 

"Tell you what, I'll give this back as long as you promise to not drink any alcohol tomorrow", I told him, but then he thought about it for a moment. "Alright, I promise", he said, but then I handed him the bottle smiling at him with my best smile. 

Then Angel walked over to me with Charlie beside him and then they both smiled down at me. "Hey (N/N), Angel wants to show you around hell, if that's okay with you", Charlie told me, but then I nodded as I got my shoes on that Vaggie had gotten me. Once I was ready me and Angel headed outside and then we started walking. 

We were walking around and Angel was telling me about the place when a car started following it. "Hey Angel, that car has been following us for a while", I told him, but once he turned around he paused all of a sudden. "Hey (N/N), can you do me a favor", Angel asked me, but then I nodded as I watched the car. 

"Do you remember the way back to the hotel", he asked me, but then I nodded as we suddenly stopped. "Let's have a race, first one there wins", he told me, but then I nodded as I got ready to run. "Ready, set, go", he yelled, but then we both started running towards the hotel and then the car suddenly stopped. I then heard a car door open and then I heard a loud thud. 

"Keep running, I'm right behind you", Angel yelled, but then I ran as fast as I could trying to beat him to the hotel. Once I got there I turned around to brag about winning when I realized that Angel wasn't behind me. "Angel, where did you go", I asked, but there was no answer at all, but instead just some birds flying over. 

I then opened the door to the hotel but everyone was acting normal and they didn't know what was going on. Vaggie then walked over to me but she looked very confused and concerned as she kept walking over to me. "Where's Angel", she asked me, but then I shrugged my shoulders as my eyes started getting watery. 

"Hey (N/N), it's fine he's probably going to be here any second", Vaggie told me, but I didn't fully believe her. That night I stayed up waiting for Angel, everyone else had gone to bed but I was too worried about Angel. I then heard footsteps walking up from behind me but I was too busy sitting on the ground waiting for Angel. 

"Aren't you tired, I think you should head to bed", Alastor said, but I just shook my head still watching the door. "Come on, lets wait on the couch", Al said picking me up and taking me to the couch. A few minutes later we heard a car and then we saw Angel get into the hotel and then he put his back to the door slowly sliding down. 

Once he was on the ground I ran over to him and hugged him but he looked scared for a second. I then looked up at him but then I saw some marks on his neck. "What happened", I asked him, but then he gave me a weak smile as he shrugged. "Nothing happened, I just got lost for a second", he said, but then I realized what was going on. 

I then backed up looking nervous at him, but then we heard the others coming into the room. "What's going on, (N/N) why are you still awake", Charlie asked me, but then I slowly walked closer to Angel. "Angel, what happened", Charlie asked him, but then he just pushed her away as he started to stand up. 

"It's fine, I just got into a fight with someone", he said, but then I shook my head. "You got rapped, didn't you", I asked him, but then they all looked surprised at me. 

"No, of course not", he said walking over to me, but then I frowned at him as I started getting tears in my eyes. "My mom used to get rapped by my dad all the time", I said, but then they all looked surprised at me as Angel stopped walking.

Angel's POV.

I suddenly stopped when (N/N) told me about her dad rapping her mom. "I'm sorry (N/N), look you're right but I promise I'm fine", I said smiling at her. "Come on, let's get you to bed", Alastor said, but then I put my hand on his shoulder. 

"Can I come with you guys, just until she goes to sleep", I asked him, but then he smiled and nodded at me. Once we got to Al's room I looked around and then I saw that he had put (N/N) in his bed. I then sat down beside her as he sat down in a chair. "I promise, no one will hurt you", I said smiling as I started playing with (N/N)'s hair.

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