Chapter 3

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Josh snickered on the FaceTime as I gave him a glare.

"Dude I told you go cut it out," I groaned, "it was just a dream."

"A dream?" Josh laughed, "when did your Hogwarts letter drop by, after you lit a candle?" If I could smacked him across the head, I would've. Josh went on laughing while I just waited until he was done.

"Ok, ok," he wheezed while trying to catch his breath, but when when looked at me and saw my serious face the dipshit burst out laughing again.

I saw him collapse off his bed and his phone went black, all I could hear was laughter in the background.

"You think you're funny," I scoffed, hanging up on the call. Immediately ten seconds later, Josh recalled me. Reluctantly, I answered and laughed as he was pouting.

"Motherfucker you look like a pufferfish," I chuckled. Josh glared at me, but unlike him I wasn't an arsehole and stopped my mocking.

"Is that all you wanted to tell me?" Josh asked, "how you became the boy-who-lived?"

"You know Iris, right?"

"Of course I know her!" Not many people know Iris because of her antisocial skills, yet the people who do know her seem to find her either weird or just feel bad for her. I first heard of Iris when Josh tried asking her out as a prank which I found stupid. But I laughed when Josh returned, saying how Iris completely ignored him.

Serves the dickhead right, and a bonus point since he became nicer.

If people thought Josh was a bully, they should've met him before the day he tried breaking a girl's heart. The funny part was he actually ended up liking Iris.

"Well I was just sitting down at those benches around the front when she sat down on the same bench. We actually ended up talking, it wasn't long though but...why are you looking at me like that?" Josh was giving me a cold stone glare as I was more than confused.

"How come she talks to you and not a good looking guy like me?" he snapped.

"I don't know, maybe because I'm not a jerk and I pull better."

Josh rolled his eyes while I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Ok, fuck you," he snapped and hung up the call, which I wasn't complaining and gladly put my phone back on charge. I looked around my room with boredom, now I wasn't sure what to do. I could do the rest of my homework, but where's the fun in that? I wasn't so certain if I wanted to watch any YouTube, Netflix or Crunchyroll either. As for magic...I could but Dad said it'd be wise if he was supervising.

I could be a total dick and say "what's the big deal? It's not like anything bad is gonna happen", when literally I would morph into a toad without realising. Yet the temptation was so strong, stronger than my willpower.

'Definitely stronger,' I thought while getting up and changing into some better clothes. I looked back at my bookshelf and sighed, grabbing a random book and began reading. As I said before, I usually don't read unless the wifi's down. Mum usually turns off the internet when I won't do my chores, so to piss her and Dad off I just read until they yell at me like psychos. However, when I read I just feel like I'm in a different world, like I'm right there as the scene akes place. I love authors who can make people feel that way.

Comic and manga are different obviously.

Instead of having to picture what the character looks like or where the scene it, comics already have it. I do like comic and manga, but sometimes just having to imagine the current scene is better. Especially if the writer has used some comedy. As I flicked through the pages of the book I held, I first tried making the page turn on its own, but to no avail. I almost jumped when I got one page to levitate for a moment before collapsing back within the book again. Sure it wasn't anything too big for a pro, but I was so proud. Practice makes perfection...I guess.

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