Chapter 16

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??? POV:

Endeavor's voice struck a nerve once more. This was the third meeting between the pro hero's this month and already it's a migraine. No, there hasn't been any updates on the big three – which has clearly angered Todoroki like the big man child he is.

"Yeah, I've been trying to get information, but the League are oblivious to their location," Hawks explained – for once not being cocky. I sat directly opposite of the No.2 hero. At this point, I'm soon to overtake his place – but until then I'll let him sit pretty. With all honesty, he's a great guy and I respect him; however he can get to ahead of himself and it's not charming.

"Well, it's your job to find out, Hawks," Endeavor spoke before directing his focus on me. "What info have you gotten?"

"Um, well with the police I've been checking security footage of their last appearances, both in public and not," I explained. Half of my paperwork has been from other villain accounts and now this investigation. Not only that but I also have Shinso and now Toga too train, so all the paperwork I have needs to be out of the way first. "And there wasn't anything recently? Those three little brats aren't just villains but fucking psychos. Having them locked up is the only solution to this crisis." I took everything in me not to scoff, but the thought was enticing. I– no, we don't need more of Todoroki's shit.

Fuck, this is gonna be a long day.

Y/n's POV:

Each page I turned of the grimoire was more captivating than the last. I really had to find this teleporting spell – but the more I read the more trapped I became within the pages and magic. All these spells, all these opportunities I had to try them was exhilarating. After arriving home, Dad had finally given me his grimoire (which he still hasn't told me where he hid it) and told me to keep it hidden away from Mum. Sure, sounds easy until your parent randomly searches through your room to find anything you're hiding.

We had dinner, Mum and Dad are now in bed while I'm in my room, hearing the faintest voices and sounds coming from outside. When the light fades, the evil rises. I'm assuming they're stealing the leftovers again, which'll mean I'll have to explain I'm taking roast beef as a school lunch. It's not a classic excuse, but believable...I think.

Just as I was going to flip another page, the door swung open and my stomach plunges deep into abyss. Adrenaline jolted through me as I hurried shoved the grimoire away. Forest curls popped through the doorframe and emerald eyes collided with mine. I exhale in relief. "Fuck sake, have you ever learnt to knock?"

Deku raised a brow as he entered and closed the door behind him. "You never knock on our door."

"That's different. It's not a bedroom like mine!"

"Yet it's where we're staying." I bit back my tongue and decided the argument should settle there. In a way, he wasn't wrong. "How's your head?" he questioned, walking over and sat down just on the edge of the bed. I'm still surprised he cared, let alone would ask my well being. Deku and I have been on better terms lately, so it was an improvement from what I knew before. "Um...fine, I guess?" I slowly spoke and pulled the grimoire out to continue reading. Instead of responding, he I studied the ancient book I held with a stoic face. The tension wasn't murky, but strangling.

"Can I help you?" I finally spat, glaring daggers into him. He looked as amused as Todoroki after being told a joke. "Just looking at the book."

"It's a grimoire," I corrected him, still, he didn't seem to be bothered by my snark and reached out to touch it.

I whacked his hand on reflex.

"Don't even think about it. This thing's delicate." Deku blinks and slowly pulled back. "Sorry..."

The apology caught me off, but I didn't show it. It was confusing why he was pestering me while here I was trying to get him back home. Maybe he was trying to intimidate me or something?

"...Why did you become a villain?"

The question held thousands of feelings, mixed together into one. I don't know why I asked, maybe because I wanted to ease the tension – expect I likely made it worse. But...Deku's dream had always been to be a hero, so what happened to him? Why choose this path?

The colour drained from his face, and he glanced away.

"Someone I admired believed I could be a hero," his voice was soft – a sorrowful caress that weighted anguished memories. He didn't have to tell me who he admired. "I've looked up to him, ever since I was kid and he helped me train for the entrance exam to the hero academia. He had more faith in me than anyone...When the entrance exam came, I was nervous but determined to pass...and instead I failed." As I listened to his story, Deku didn't dare allow his demeanour to break – even while on the verge of shattering. "I felt terrible. He put his faith in me, and I failed." He laughed dryly, brushing the curls from his eyes. "It wasn't even the look he gave me, but the words he said. All I ever did was admire him and I'm met with shame, disgust and "you can never be a hero" type speech."

My blood ran cold once comprehending his words. So, All Might not only gave Izuku false faith but then belittles him for a mistake? The fuck...

"For years, I've been bullied for only wanting to save people. Yet the one time I had the chance...I blew it. It was never isn't fair for most. So...I guess I wanted to prove to everyone that I can be...more than just a hero." He was likely not telling me something, or just terrible at explaining, but...

His response wasn't a confession, but a vent – a weight that had been pushing him down for so long. Too long. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault..."

"That's not what I meant."

Deku's gaze dart towards mine swiftly. He likely thought I meant nothing of it, that it was only just to make him feel better – to hand him a hair of sympathy. I can't blame him. For years he's been looked down upon by his peers, teachers, even his own hero. A villain isn't just made; they're reborn.

"I understand why you wouldn't want to tell me more," I continued, keeping my tone delicate and soft. Because I want sitting beside a villain now – but a victim. "You didn't deserve any of this. I...I don't have the words, but I truly am sorry for what happened to you." Deku stared at me; words unable to reach him. Comforting someone isn't my strong point, but I hoped my words were something. I caught my breath when his warmth coiled me within seconds, embracing me tightly. Even if I wanted to resist, I couldn't; he needed this.

Cautiously, I return the gesture and wrap my arms around him – rubbing his back softly. This actually feels nice. A wave of adrenaline jolted up my spine when a notification disturbed the sereneness.

"Shit, give me a minute." I sighed, breaking comfort of his embrace and snatched up my phone. A look of hopelessness crossed his eyes and hurriedly turned away.

I unlocked my phone and a Snapchat notification popped up.

Iris<3 added you as a friend!

I raised a brow, assuming I read the message wrong. Currently out of all the times I've spoken to Iris, it's only been three circumstances. My attention shifted towards Deku as he got to his feet and made his way to the door. "I'll be in the kitchen..." The vulnerable and soft side of him was shadowed by a impassiveness that left the room cold.

Only once had he opened up, and I blew it...



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