Chapter 8

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I broke out into a fit of laughter that only caused the tension to rise.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I chuckled, wiping my tears away "I think I heard you say 'No'. Want to run that by me again?" Todoroki only eyed me down with that same damn poker face. I wanna punch him-

"Didn't you hear me?" he asked bluntly. This man was meant to be a cold-blooded criminal in his dimension, yet his personality is dense and boring like math! I tried keeping my composure, but I couldn't help but groan.

"Seriously? I heard you loud and clear thanks."

"Then what's your issue?"

"Wha- my issue?" I snapped, "my issue is the fact that I need my phone for something import and you're not giving it to me. You could be a decent person and give it to me like, 'fine, here's your phone, sorry about the misunderstanding because I'm a dick!'." That poker face of his caused my irritation to uprise, but my stomach suddenly churned once that changed.

His eyes went cold and lifeless, sending chills through my spine. Whatever my stomach was telling me, it was eerie and frightening; my gaze drowned within in those pools of death that this brute lured me into. I felt alone, I felt cold and tired while lost within his glare. This was a feeling I didn't like it...

Fuck, I shouldn't have said that. He slowly rose to his feet, causing me to flinch back ever so slightly and my body went numb. My heartbeat spiked and my legs were waiting to give up on me. What was happening? Why did I suddenly feel so sick? All he did was stand up; besides giving me a look that could kill. Time was normal, I didn't feel a sudden stop in it or anything, it just felt like any other day. Nothing was going slow or fast, just a calm pace and it was like any normal moment as Todoroki walked towards me, an eagle eyeing its prey.

What was he, fifteen or sixteen and yet easily intimidating? I held back a nervous gulp once he finally stood before me, eye to eye, barely centimetres apart. Those eyes had seen death painted through dragging years; you could easily tell by the look on his face, in his eyes. And he revelled in it.

"I don't care," he quietly hummed, those eyes holding me at gunpoint. "It might be important, but I don't care. It may even be life threatening, yet I don't care. Nothing it given to others for granted."

"Dude, the phone is mi-"

"DON'T INTERRUPT ME, L/N!" His sudden outburst was terrorising, and from the corner of my eye I even saw how bewildered Deku was. Is this new? I thought to myself, I mean it had to be obvious by the look on his face. Todoroki's eyes widen with fury, causing these blazing flames to uprise.

"Nothing is given for granted," he went on in his icy voice. "So, instead of being a nasty little shit, why don't you enlighten us on why you actually need the phone?" I gazed at him, clenching my fists so they didn't tremble along with my arms. My blood began to boil; however, I didn't dare allow it to win. Slowly and steadily, I spoke in a hushed and quiet tone.

"I need it, to give some money to my Dad..." Ok no, it technically wasn't fully a lie. I would be removing my money from my bank account and placing it in my savings, then deposited the amount my father gave me for dinner back into his account. What people don't know won't hurt them. Todoroki eyed me for a long painful moment until he sighs and went to grab my phone. To be honest I wasn't actually expecting him to let me after his whole speech, so...double points?

Deku observed the situation while still holding that bag of frozen peas to his eye. I couldn't tell what he was thinking or feeling due to half of his face covered, yet the situation was definitely intriguing to him. Todoroki went to grab my phone and as he held it, I couldn't help but feel slightly relieved yet uneasy. Kinda like that feeling when your parents ask for your phone and when you give it to them, you're afraid they're gonna search through your apps? I don't really know, but it was definitely that sort of feeling.

He held my phone in his hand, faxing down at it blankly. Nervously, I stepped forward.

"Ok, thanks..." I spoke up, holding out my hand while waiting for him to hand it over. For a while he just stared at my phone with a blank face, almost as if he was lost. Slowly, he held out my phone while only staring at the floor. What in the hell? Why did I feel so uneasy, wait no, that shouldn't be my question. Why was he acting like that? I couldn't tell if he was mad or...sad. Y/n, stop thinking like that, honestly. He was just handing me my phone; it was like he was gonna kill me...I hope.

I went to grab it without another thought, not daring to drag my mind around the negatives. A sudden spark of light instantly led me to recoil, witnessing the spark turn to a flame, a blistering light craving for anything to devour. The scorching light sat on the palm of his hand, attacking my phone.

I watched in horror when he suddenly flung it to the ground and allowing the flames to spread on the phone and kept on devour it. The phone screen began to bulge, and I panicked. What was I meant to do!? There weren't any fire blankets or extinguishers, and I don't know if water would make it worse or not! Shit shit shit, what the fuck do I do! I ran into the kitchen and searched for any type of pot. If I could find one, I could use it and put it out by getting rid of oxygen.

Fortunately, finding one wasn't difficult and I instantly placed it over my burning phone.

"Dude, why the fuck did you do that!?" I shouted, my voice trembling with anger. No, I wasn't angry, I was fuming.

Todoroki just eyed me without a single hint of remorse and just wondered out of the room. My eyes darted to Deku, and he was snickering, fucking snickering! He to got to his feet and followed behind Todoroki. That fucking cun-

"Dickhead..." I muttered, focusing back on my phone. I lifted the pot off it and my eyes closed with frustration. My phone was fucked. The screen was bulging, and I tried touching it, yet flinched back at the sudden heat. What's worse was the thought that I used my own money to actually buy this thing, and now it was broken!

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I screamed, storming into the basement to find the two of them talking. Todoroki raised an eyebrow while watching me with the same irritating poker face. I wanted to smack it right off. After a moment, he spoke in a soft tone filled with ice.

"Would you rather it to be you?"

"Bitch, what does that have to do with anything!?" I continue, ignoring his threat. He had no reason to do it, and yet he still did! Like, I get that I might've been snarky about what I said moments ago, but dude! Two wrongs don't make a right! I feel like my mother...

His glare hardened, holding me at gunpoint. After a moment, he just sighs.

"God sake, you're too loud." He glances my way, "I don't have to be questioned by you." This sent me into a fit. I don't know what came over me, but I just saw red. My mind was lost, and my body was manipulated by my rage. A few of the objects around seemed to move on its own, yet I didn't care and just scowled at him.

The smash of glass whipped my mind back to reality and everything just came to a screeching halt. What...happened? My gazed darted to the duo that just watched me in awe, not daring to speak a word.

I suddenly felt the blood drain from my face the moment I saw blood trickle down Todoroki's forehead, and the broken pieces of a wine bottle before his feet. Did I do that? I...I only wanted to yell at him, not hurt him physically! A slam of the front door sent a jolt through my body, my stomach threatening to explode. Shit, my parents!

A/n: Lol, sorry if this seemed like a long update. Idk, it just feels longer to me since I'm trying to post it, but I'm already working on a few other drafts. I like to work on them one at a time, but it's really impossible with new ideas, lol, I'm sure any other author can agree. Anywho, thank you and have a good day/night! :)



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