Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV:

My eyes slowly flutter open, and I reluctantly got to my feet after a while of just lying in bed. It was only Saturday, and I had to wait another two nights till Monday.

Seriously, I was so excited to be returning to school instead of dealing with those...three. I don't know how to describe them; it just seems cringy saying their names. If they were their hero selves, I might not fell so weirded out? I'm not really sure...

Last night while making dinner, it was basically silent the whole time, and no, Bakugo didn't get me the knife I was asking for and he didn't even try starting up a conversation. To be honest I don't really know why I snapped at him, it wouldn't have done anything except set him off. At least he didn't shout at me again, because that was irritating. Once dinner was finished, I didn't even bother staying and just went to my room to eat. Bakugo did most of the cooking, and I've gotta admit it was...good, I guess.

Not as good as Mum's cooking though, and I mean it.

I wouldn't have a clue if the other two ate, all I did was some study for school and research for spells. Unfortunately, there was still nothing and I might have no other choice but to ask Dad for some help. Again, the idea of how I brought them here was most likely because of the negative emotions I forced upon myself. I was the link, the key...and had to unfortunately deal with these...murderers... It's funny though, because one moment I'm not scared of them and then the next moment when they're all giving off that negative energy I just...I get goosebumps each time. Dad and Mum arrived home late and called me like I asked, giving me the time to get those three out of my hands.

Eventually, I dragged myself out of bed and downstairs into the kitchen to find Mum cooking bacon and eggs. How did she even get up this early?

The smell caused my stomach to growl, and I wandered inside, snatching a piece of bacon.

"Hey, get out of it!" she suddenly shouts, whacking my hand the spatula.

"Ow!" I flinched back and immediately back off, "and morning to you to, I guess?" She outstared me for a long painful moment before going back to cooking and I took my seat at the dining table.

"Where's Dad?" I questioned. I raised an eyebrow seeing her roll her eyes. "Your father is an idiot and and since he got drunk, he now has a hangover." That actually explained a lot. In all seriousness though, it's rare to see him wasted, well at least for me. However, I've heard he's a funny drunk from one of his friends.

Apparently though, he and a few of his buddies went to a party at a farm, and only did they all get drunk but one of them sat down in the fire-pit. Don't know what happened to the guy, but he was ok from what I heard.

Not gonna lie, when I turn 18, I want me and Dad to go down to the bar.

"Anyway, I need you to come with me down to the shopping centre." Confusion crept over me. "Wait, why?"

"I'll tell you later, now get ready. We're leaving in 10. I wanna get a park." I couldn't blame her, I mean the shopping centre was always packed, and finding a park would be a challenge- no, a competition, especially on Saturdays. At least it wasn't Christmas yet. I eventually went to my room and once I threw my pyjamas aside, I slid a pair of jeans and a grey shirt on. Nothing was unique about the shirt; it was plain and just an eerie colour, yet it was one of my favourite shirts. I then returned back to the kitchen to find two plates of food while Mum was nowhere in sight.

I just took it that she was getting ready to and didn't pay much mind to it, right now I needed to attend to...other issues.

Since Dad was still asleep, I had to tell those three boneheads that me and my mother would be gone for a while, but that my father would still be home so there wouldn't be any "inconveniences". Maybe today wouldn't be such a bad day after all...I hope.

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