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I've never kept a routine until now. It's hard not to keep one especially with demanding my trainer is. I'm on an island, living in a cabin house that overlooks the ocean. I should be relaxing under the sun, using this period as a mandatory vacation but Damian has other plans. He wakes me up everyday at five and give me twenty minutes to tidy up before meeting him outside for yoga. He and his father shares the same view of medication being what I need. The place is usually quiet but sometimes I find it hard to concentrate and whenever I shift my concentration, he is always there to set me right.

He believes I have other powers being part Dihipian and Mesdowellian, he thinks there's more to me than telekinesis, telepathy and empathy, so he drives me hard. Training me like I'm preparing for a war. He's brutal when it comes to teaching. He doesn't encourage, applaud. I move the sand with mind. My telekinesis power works which unlocks the telepathy. Happiness can't be use to describe the feeling. I expect Damian to share my happier but he walks away. It makes my heart feel heavy, which makes me feel sad.

When Arihmatheo forced me to have an out of body experience while I was chained, I didn't even know what was happening nor did I know I had the power to do that. Damian has no idea how to make me do it, so we didn't practice that, he didn't know how to teach me to control because he doesn't have the power himself. He said it would just happen and it did on its own.

He was going to punch me but I felt something leave my body, like I was there and I wasn't. I realized I was floating in air and my body was just standing there. It felt like flying, being in two places at once. I was ecstatic but Damian wouldn't let me celebrate.

I know what type of person he is. He doesn't feel. He behaves like a robot sometimes, but I hoped for more. The old man said he cares for me but I don't see it because he doesn't show it.

The combat class is what I hate most. Damian never treats me like a lady. He tosses me around like a ragdoll and if he hears me groan, he growls, "don't let your enemy sense your fear, they'll use it to their advantage." He'll say.

I didn't spend much time in the alternate reality that the sisters of the dark forced me to create but I'm cursed with remembering ever second of it. I remember Damian, the way he looked at me, the way he touched me. It's suck to know that I've created a different version of this person and yet the real one is so different from it.

I appreciate everything he's doing for me. He's making me stronger but the way he's delivery his words and actions, it's just worse than before.

Everytime he slams me on my back, he won't give me anytime to recover, he'll say, "get up."

Obeying him, I'll get up and hold my stance with my fist stretched out in front of me. Damian is a skilled fighter but he's teaching skill lacks so many things. And I'm done.

I haven't communicated with anyone since he moved here and I'm in serious need of some company, someone I can vent to. I promised Jessica astra projection and she's about to get lucky because now I need to see her face. After today's session, Damian disappeared and I haven't seen him since. It's nice to have sometime to myself even though I'm always alone most of the time. I wonder he goes though. I doubt he even sleeps in his room.

Anyway, I miss Jessica and Nate. I wonder how they're doing or if they miss me, I doubt it though. They have each other.

I'm in the living room, sitting criss cross on the floor in the middle of a pentagram enclosed in a circle. I push all thoughts of Damian away from my mind and replace them with Jessica, I need to talk to her now if I don't want to lose my mind. I need someone to share the excitement with me. I have never done anything like this before, but I have read somewhere that Astral Projection is actually quite simple, interesting and fun. I place candles on the circle where the lines of the pentagram connects. The spell book is opened in front of me. I know the spell by heart but I need to be hundred percent sure. Before I can astra project, I need something to help me focus and since this is my first time doing this. The spell book is the magical gem object that will help me stay in my astral body.

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