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“Camille!” The Headmaster's voice comes echoing in my ear from behind. "Camille!" He calls my name again with the same firm and deep tone he used the first time.

“What is it?” I ask, trying to gain control of myself.

I see the headmaster move to my front and slaps his hands on either side of my head, forcing me to look into his eyes as he begins the spell. His eyes changes from his usual hazel to hallow like I'm being thrust into another world. His voice becomes distant but I can hear it faintly.

“Ere eketa engji ya va Lurytendra El Ulrik El Noe El, Camille Raven Stark, I beseech you, stop this Now!” I hear him shout the last part and at the same time I see something, not sure what it is but I can make out a figure who says, 'well done blood of mine.'

I inhale sharply as I feel something leave my body. The headmaster let's go of me and I stagger but quick to regain my footing. Blinking as I come back to my senses; I look around to see the damages I have caused. I wasn’t myself, I know that but somehow I loved what I was doing.

Well done blood of mine.

What does that mean? It sounded like a feminine voice but not familiar. What is going on with me?

I see the students all holding hands, casting some spells, I can’t hear what they are saying, but out of nowhere fog suddenly covers the entire school.

“What is going on?” I ask no one in particular. They are all busy doing something with the weather.

“They are making them forget what you did,” the headmaster answers beside me. I look at him but he doesn't make eye contact, he's just staring in to space and I don't have to look into his eyes to know he's disappointed. I have some questions to ask him though because his spell caused this.

The fog clears from the school and everything becomes normal again. Xander and his friends are still laughing like nothing happened, it's like they turn back the time and return them back before the attack. I'm glad no one suffers any injury.

The students walk back to their seats, none of them are looking at my way. As if my display of power hasn't made me a freak enough, and now this. It seems almost like they are afraid of me.

What have I done?

I wish I had an explanation to what's going on but I have no clue. I don't even know where to begin and it sucks. I've been like this my entire life, not having a clue of what's going on but then it was easier to ignore it and take one thing at a time but now I can't ignore it because it's becoming more pronounced and each day is worse than the last. I need to start doing something. I need to start looking for answers, if only I knew where to start. I guess I just need to ask the right question, which is what exactly?

Deep breath, Cami. Deep breath...

“Headmaster-” he interrupts me before I get the chance to say anything.

“Save it for my office, Camille.” He walks away from me towards the students and address them. “I know you are all exhausted from the magic, we can either forfeit the game or continue playing, your pick?”

The player exchange looks, and the quarterback speaks for them. “We’ll continue playing,” Roman stands up, the rest follow behind. They all pass by me without sparing me a glance.

That is how bad my situation is. I am the only one left standing. “Cami.” I turn my head to sound of Jessica's voice. She rushes to stand in front of me and asks, “Hey, you okay?”

I raise my eyebrows in question. “What do you mean?” I ask with a chuckle. Of course I’m not fine but she doesn't need to know that. I'm just surprised she asked if I was okay. I mean, If she saw what I did, I know she’ll also be moving in the opposite direction. But thank God they made them all forget.

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