Post-period wolfstar fluff :D

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Okay, I know technically this is cheating because it isn't technically about someone getting their period but I don't have anything else to post. I've been on a writers block for like a week now so I haven't been able to start or finish any existing stories at all, which is why I haven't posted even though I've been off school for 3 days. Anyway, hope you enjoy this and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Remus walked through the darkness of the dungeons, following a path of dog prints that had been revealed with a simple revelio charm just moments before. Ever since the incident in the bathroom earlier, Sirius had disappeared. At first, Remus thought he was just trying to study for their end-of-year exams, but the more he thought about it, the more obvious it became that he was hiding from something. Or someone, you didn't really know with Sirius. The corridors became darker and darker the more he walked through them, making Remus understand why Sirius decided to come down here, considering how hard it would be to find him if he hadn't been a werewolf. Remus' wand glowed in his pocket, guiding the way at least enough so that he wouldn't bump into the dark-haired Gryffindor if he happened to come across him. As he walked, Remus noticed that the footsteps became less saturated, giving Remus the impression that he was close, and sped up.

As he climbed his way over the piles of books that had been stacked through the corridor leading to the library, Remus heard a faint noise that seemed as if it was ringing in his ears, a repeated sentence. Though he could not make out the sentence, he easily recognised the tone of voice - it was Sirius. His voice was cold, full of emotion, but Remus could clearly tell by the repetitive hiccuping that the boy was crying, and a feeling of determination set in - he was going to find out why Sirius was crying. Walking towards the noise, a small compartment revealed a box-looking black hole in the wall that was small enough for it to go unnoticed, but big enough to fit a 15-year-old boy - which is where he actually found a 15-year-old boy. Sirius was hiding in the hole, knees to his chest and his face crushed between his knees, covering his tear-filled and red face. Looking at him for a few seconds, Remus realised that Sirius didn't know he was there, and he gently touched the boy on the shoulder, causing him to flinch. A pang of guilt coursed through Remus' body when a pair of watery grey eyes meet his. He opened his mouth to speak but Sirius got there first.

"Remus! I'm sorry, I just needed some alone time. Especially 'cause of what happened earlier, and I didn't really tell you that it was my first, and I'm sorry about that too but I'm trying to be alone so that nobody can find me. Merlin, if mother heard about this I'd be next on the betrothal list! I'm sorry." Sirius spoke somewhat confidently, but Remus could hear his voice cracking every so often from tears. "Sirius, breathe." Remus chirped in, "It's okay! If you didn't want to tell me it was your first - even though it's fine it was - you wouldn't have had to. All I care about is if you're okay." He gave a small smile to Sirius, who smiled back - and he was sure that he saw him blush a little. "Now about the betrothal thing. Your mother doesn't need to know what happened today, and even if she did find out for some reason, it's not like you don't have anyone to help you out!"

"I know, it's just-" Sirius' voice began to crack. Oh, Merlin. "I just need you."

After that, Remus had found himself guiding Sirius out of his little hidey-hole, because it was way too cold to be having personal conversations in, and leading him to the Gryffindor boys' dorm. By the time they'd got there, it was about time every assembled on a weekend to go to Hogsmeade, so they were luckily alone. The two boys snuggled up together in a way that Sirius said wasn't gay at all, but totally was in Remus' eyes. He brushed the raven hair away from his friends' face, attempting to comfort him - which he was not good at in any situation. "Hey, pads. I know where your coming from with the whole 'nobody has to know', but in my experience telling at least one person is quite good for when you're in bloody situations."

"Okay, but I've told you, and that's one person. So I think I'm good thanks." Remus let out a slight laugh.

"Maybe someone who's able to sneak out of class to get you spare trousers."

"You could do that, you just won't because you're mean." Sirius crossed his arms in a child-like manner and pulled a face - Remus just laughed.

"I suppose I am. Now, let's get some music on and you can take a nap, alright?" Sirius just nodded at him before snuggling into Remus and closing his eyes. No music then.

After a few moments, Sirius opened his eyes slightly. "Moons?" Remus' eyes opened at the calling, looking down on Sirius, "What's up, pads?"

"I love you." Was the last words he said before falling into a peaceful sleep. 

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