Harry (!Severitus)

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This technically isn't a period chapter, but it's mentioned so I count it. Also, it's the only story I've been able to finish in like a month, so you get this. Hope you enjoy it!

It was a Tuesday evening, and I was in my potions lab making some potions for Madame Pomfrey. Harry was, I assumed, in his room as we'd just sat down and had dinner, and I have come to know the little routine he has going on whilst he has been my son. I was zoned out into the book, too focused on anything else to even spare a thought to think about what he was doing - when a figure of a 13-year-old boy appeared at my doorway. Startled, I jumped slightly and Harry flinched. A small voice came from him, "Daddy?"

His eyes were red and watery, which meant he must've been crying. My defensive side, or what Harry calls 'defensive daddy mode', immediately came into play as I thought the worst. "What's wrong, child?" I asked, trying to put as much kindness into my voice as possible so that he wouldn't be inclined to run away, before patting my lap and gesturing for him to sit there. Harry immediately rushed to sit on my lap, cuddling into my chest like he was a small kitten. I rubbed his back in return, trying my best to comfort him. "Come on chick, talk to me," I whispered into his ears, listening as small sobs escaped from his lips. He stuttered, tumbling over his words as his emotions took control of him. "I-I...." His voice went quiet for a moment, then he wailed "I don't wanna grow up!" I sighed in relief, so he's not dying. "Harry, I'm afraid you can't stop your body from maturing." Watching the tears run down his face at a faster pace now gave me the feeling that wasn't the best thing to say, "But just because your body is maturing, doesn't mean you have to, child." Harry's face lit up at that, like he'd just seen the light of a very dark alleyway - it felt almost magical. "I don't? B-But Ron said I had to!" That made sense, to be honest. Molly was like that, wanted the family to follow the rules she was given when she was growing up - I wasn't going to say that to Harry though. "Luckily for you, Ron doesn't decide when you want to grow up - that's your decision." Harry smiled such a smile that even the sun would be impressed.

"So I still get to be a kid, even though I'm an adult?" Harry was ecstatic at even the idea that he would get to still be a kid, it was so sweet. I laughed softly, "Yes, you still get to be a kid. Kids have periods too, chick." He let out a loud cheer, before running out the room and then running back in, "Thank you, Daddy! Love you!"

"Love you too, child." God, I love that kid.

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