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Someone skilled in small talk.

The school bell rang loud and violently, as it did every day, to announce that the day was over and they could all go home. Kids rushed out of their classrooms, so ready to leave. However once they reached the halls they stopped rushing because they would find a group or a person to talk to.

Jess didn't find anyone because he wasn't looking. He went straight for the doors and left. Walking off of the school campus made his chest slowly start to feel normal again.

In sixth hour, Algebra 2, Ki Lendev was being loud as he talked to his friend Wyatt. Then again maybe he wasn't loud but it just felt loud to Jess because they sat close to him. They had been talking about a sophomore who they apparently overheard saying he wanted to join the baseball team this year.

"Kid's real short and scrawny too, I'm not even sure he could pick up a bat." Wyatt said. "Plus I'm pretty sure he's a faggot."


"Yeah, he was totally checking out Andrew when we walked by. Stared at his ass and everything."

"That's disgusting." Ki's voice drained into a slight giggle as he said the words. It could sound as if he was joking but Jess knew better.

"Can you even imagine? Out of all the guys to go for, Andrew's the least likely to turn. I mean, c'mon, him fucking a dude? Never gonna happen." Wyatt erupted into laughs and Ki didn't hold back from joining him.

The least likely to turn? They say it like it's some kind of disease. Although to them that's probably what it's considered.

A disease. Something disgusting. That's what I am. This was the universe's way of reminding me that.

"Hey, kid." Ki's gravely voice spoke as he tried to calm down from his laughing fest. "Dude, I'm talkin' to you."

A tiny paper ball hitting his arm finally made Jess turn to look at the two. Ki was grinning at him while Wyatt looked partially confused but unbothered.

"What do you think? Andrew seem like a fag?"

"Why the hell would you ask me? He's your friend." Jess spat angrily.

"I just figured you would know about your own kind is all." Ki said and again he spoke where it could be taken as a joke but it wasn't meant as one. He was just trying to get a laugh out of Wyatt and it worked, the other boy found that the funniest shit this century.

Jess flipped them off and turned back in his desk, looking back at his notebook he had been drawing in. He could act like it didn't affect him all he wanted, he was a damn good actor, but it didn't stop the ache from settling in his chest. The ache didn't leave until he left campus.

Walking home he felt different. He felt off.

He knew it wasn't from the homophobia, he had grown used to little remarks like that and could shake them off after leaving the area.

He kept walking, ignoring the off feeling. When he reached his house his mind cleared again, just like always. He opened the front door and it became apparent why he felt off.

His mother could be heard loudly weeping from her bedroom.

He tried to ignore it and continue on as if this was any other day. He slipped off his shoes and headed to the kitchen, pulling out two little oranges from the cuties package and peeling them. He ate them both quickly and headed upstairs to his bedroom.

His mother's cries were hard to ignore.

So as he shut his door, still being able to hear them just a little more muffled now, he decided to tone them out. He clicked on the TV and sat on his bed.

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