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(Adj.) (French)
To be delighted.

Jess woke up to Isaac's godawful morning alarm again. He grunted and hid his head in the pillow quickly. He could hear Isaac curse from next to him and the arm that was lazily draped around him moved to shut off the loud noise.

Isaac's hand came back, running up Jess's back soothingly. When he spoke his voice was soft in a half-whisper type of way. "I'm sorry, Baby."

The name made Jess more willing to accept the apology. He ignored the knowledge that his ears were turning red for the sake of his embarrassment. Slowly, he rolled over and grunted out an, "I'll forgive you this time."

Once he had rolled over he let his eyes take in the sight before him. He swept in the gorgeous man in front of him. Isaac was sitting, shirtless, looking down at Jess with caring eyes.

I've never felt so lucky.

Jess leaned up a little and Isaac met him halfway. Their lips locked but only for a few seconds before Jess pulled away. He scrunched up his nose. "Morning breath."

His voice came out scratchy and rough from his sleep having been taken away from him. Isaac's eyes widened at the sound of it before his brain seemed to catch up on what Jess had said. He quickly laughed.


Jess waved off his apology and sleepily glanced around the room. When he brought his eyes back to Isaac's they were more worried this time.

"Are you feeling better? Do you want to stay here today? Or I could drop you back off at your house if you prefer to stay there."

Jess's stomach tumbled at the caring tone of his voice. He shook his head. "No, I'm okay." He gave the boy looking down at him a sleepy smile. "Thank you."

Isaac smiled back. He leaned down and kissed the side of Jess's neck, driving the boy crazy. When he pulled back he spoke, "I'm gonna get dressed and go for my run then. I'll wake you up when I get back?"

Jess nodded but didn't roll over to fall back asleep. Instead he watched as Isaac got up and walked over to his closet. He watched the muscles in Isaac's back move as he looked through the shirts.

When he found a shirt and pulled it over his head Jess couldn't help but frown. "Well, there goes my view."

Isaac laughed at the words and gave him a lazy smile. "Go back to sleep Baby."

Jess rolled his eyes but did just that. While Isaac left the room he rolled over and hugged the pillow under his head. He missed Isaac's body heat but settled for pulling the blanket higher up. He faded back into sleep in the comfort of Isaac's bed.

Of course though, good things can't last forever. His sleep was disturbed once again by his boyfriend. If Isaac wasn't so damn attractive he'd probably hold a grudge against him for stealing away his sleeping time so much.

Jess blinked awake and stared up at the one that woke him. Isaac's smile seemed brighter than the light seeping in through the window to Jess's sleepy hazed brain. My Elayne.

"It's time to get up. You gotta get ready for school."

Jess sighed but pulled himself up to a sitting position on the side of the bed. He leaned over, resting his head on Isaac's abdomen for a moment because getting up seemed like such a hassle. Isaac laughed and put his hands on Jess's arms to slowly ease the boy up.

Once standing Jess just leaned forward again and rested his head on Isaac's shoulder instead. His boyfriend didn't seem to mind this as much. Hands were rubbing up and down his back as Isaac's lips left soft kisses around the base of his neck where the collar of the hoodie was.

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