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Zack led the way back to his car and Jess followed quietly. He hadn't really realized what he was doing in the moment of inviting Jess out to eat but he was glad he did now. When talking about going home his face just looked sad, not at all like how it did before when they were just having light-hearted small talk. In the moment he just wanted to make the sad look go away, he hates it when people are sad because of something he said.

They reached his car and Zack automatically went to the driver's side. He watched as Jess slowly, hesitantly, made his way to the passenger side. They got in and Zack started the car, pulling out of the parking space and driving off.

"So... drive through or go in?" Isaac asked, looking at the slightly nervous looking boy sitting in the seat next to him.

Jess looked up from his lap and over at Zack, shrugging. "It doesn't matter to me. I'm fine with either."

Zack nodded. "Alright."

As they drove Isaac's eyes kept going to the sky. He was thinking outloud, "The sun's getting kinda low. What if we got food and drove to the park to watch the sunset?"

He wanted to kick himself when he realized how cheesey that sounded. This wasn't some romance book they were just going out to eat. He prayed Jess wasn't weirded out or thinking he was stupid now.

"That sounds cool." Jess agreed, stopping Zack's thoughts.

The boy smiled widely from behind the steering wheel, keeping his eyes on the road. His beaming expression made Jess smile a little as well.

They drove until they got closer to the center of town. "McDonald's?" Isaac asked, looking at the closest fast food place. Jess nodded so he made the turn and got in line.

Jess told Isaac his order of a cheeseburger and a Dr Pepper so he could order for them. After they both had their food with a Coke and a Dr Pepper Isaac began driving towards the park.

He parked facing the setting sun and grabbed his burger and fries.

Jess kicked off his shoes and criss crossed his legs on the seat, getting more comfortable to eat. They snacked and watched the sky, Isaac snapping a couple pictures. It was extremely calm and that made Isaac smile.

He couldn't ever do anything like this with his friends. Ki and Jace would get bored and Andrew isn't really a sky person, although he does try to let Zack have his moments it's obvious he doesn't share the enthusiasm.

It was nice, having someone to share a peaceful moment with. He hasn't watched the sunset with someone that enjoyed it since his mom died. She's where he got his love for sunsets, she was always wanting to watch them and get pictures. Isaac took over her habits after she couldn't keep on, the sunset now seeming extra special because she was the one painting them so pretty for him.

When the sun was officially gone Isaac turned to Jess who was just finishing his fries. "I'll drive you home. Sorry I kept you out so late."

"It's alright. I didn't really want to be home anyway." Jess said smoothly.

Isaac pulled out of the parking lot for the park and started on the road. "Alright, where am I headed?"

"Turn right up here." Jess said and kept giving directions as they drove. They started heading back in the direction of the park as they'd have to pass it to get to Jess's house.

Jess looked over at Isaac as he was driving. Isaac could feel the dark eyes on him but didn't say anything about it.

"How late does your dad work?" Jess suddenly asked. Isaac met his eyes briefly before turning back to look at the road. "You said that's why you didn't want to go home, because he works late right? How late is that?"

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