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When everything is strange and unusual.

Jess heard the news from Isaac about them losing the game. He felt bad for the boy and let him talk about the events of the game but he didn't let the news affect him. If it weren't for his interest in Isaac he wouldn't care at all.

That morning he went about his normal routine.  He ate something small in the morning and then sat on the couch. He was waiting for Daisy because she would always make the weekends better.

"Jess." His mother's voice sounded sorrowful as she left her bedroom and that was never a good sign.

It's ten in the morning. Please don't, not today.

"Cliff just called. Daisy has a doctor's appointment so she won't be here until tomorrow."

"Oh." He tried to give her a smile. "Well that's okay. We'll get to spend time with her tomorrow right?"

"Right." His mother managed a weak smile. She then leaned down to kiss him on the head before walking to the kitchen.

Jess sighed and pulled out his phone. He debated it for a long time before finally deciding to just do it. He tapped on Isaac's contact and sent a text.

Still okay with me intruding on your solitude whenever?

He didn't get a reply very soon. The longer it took the more anxious he felt. Was that a stupid thing to ask? What if Isaac never even meant that? What if he was being made the butt of the joke right now.

It was a good twenty minutes before he finally heard back. He almost dropped his phone out of surprise when it chimed. He was beginning to doubt he'd get an answer that morning.

Of course.
Did you want to hangout?

If it's alright

Do you want me to pick you up?

Jess didn't like to intrude. He didn't like asking for things he didn't need. Normally in this situation he would've turned down the offer and either walked or got Kleandra to drop him off. However, the thought of getting to spend just that extra little amount of time with Isaac made him smile.

If you can that'd be nice.

Yeah, I can be over there in like 20 minutes if you want?

Sounds good.

Jess smiled and stood up. He walked to the kitchen where his mom was making eggs. He gave her a smile as he walked in.

"Hey, Ma, one of my friends is gonna come by and pick me up here in a bit. Is that okay?"

She beamed. "Of course it is honey! Go out and have fun! Don't forget about your sister tomorrow though."

"I won't." Jess smiled and accepted the hug she stepped over to give him.

With the okay from the woman he went up to his room as quickly as possible to change. He pulled off his black plaid pajama pants and pulled on the closest thing to him, a pair of blue shorts. Then he grabbed a black T-shirt and, after removing the baggy one he was wearing, threw it over his head.

He grabbed a pair of socks and quickly pulled them on before racing back downstairs. He put his shoes on just so he would be fully ready and sat on the couch to wait.

As time crept on he got more anxious. Suddenly he was nervous about this whole thing. He really shouldn't have been. He's hung around Isaac enough to be comfortable with the boy now.

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