Chapter 13

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I went behind him in the darkness. There were stairs, a lot of them. When they ended, I saw the sky. It was filled with stars and so many of them that I cursed the modern world for pollution. There was a calm glow of the night created by the moon. I looked around and saw Duryodhan standing in the middle of a big terrace. I went towards the edge. It was created like fort, with spaces for archers.

Balcony (what can I even call it?) had mesmerising architecture. The one you see in historical places. No, no, no even better than that and then I saw Hastinapur in all its glory. I saw what everyone was fighting for. The city was so big and it felt like the castle was in the middle of it creating a dispersion of light from middle to end.

I whispered, "I don't have words to describe how beautiful this place is."

He said, "Then don't say anything."

I said nothing for the next half hour and neither did he...


The next day I was late, obviously because I slept late the day before. Not even that late, just one hour. But still I was late so I went near Alexa first. (As I strongly believed in the idea, "If you are already late, then just take your time.") I found her near the carts. I felt sad looking at her alone among the lifeless carts and felt guilty that the only reason that I came here was because I needed to charge my laptop and phone. I was shocked that they lasted 2 days (a new record).

I went near her and said, "I am so sorry, I didn't meet you in the last two days."

"It's ok, Aarohi. I don't mind waiting for you." Hearing this I felt sadder.

"You don't have to wait for me. Go explore the city or do anything you want to."

"But what if you need me? I am here in your service."

"Oh come on, don't you think we are above that by now. Live your life girl!"

"Okay, but I will come back every evening till the morning. And there's a remote in the near first aid. If you ever need me just press the button and I'll be there whenever you want."

"Ok, And please no more accidents."

Saying that I went towards the field, in a very good mood.


"You are nearly an hour late." He said to me without turning to look at me. He was practicing with mace.

"I had a late night." I said even though he should know. He was the reason.

"You did, didn't you?" he said as if taunting me.

"Yes, I did out of all people you should know better than to ask."

"Oh yeah like I know what are you up to all the time."

I was really getting angry then, "Even though you don't deserve to know, out of curtesy I'll tell you. I couldn't sleep last night therefore I'm late."

"What did I ever do to get this courtesy from you." He said sarcastically.

"What happened?" I asked directly.

"Start with your warmup." He said ignoring my question.

But I didn't let go, I just couldn't. "What happened?" I asked again.

"If this all is a joke for you, just go away. Don't waste my time. I don't sit idle, unlike some people." He replied harshly looking straight into my eyes.

What is up with him today? I thought. But, if he wouldn't tell me then how would I know? So, I ignored his comment and started running for warm up, which seemed to anger him more. But, I can't let anyone come and lash out at me just because they are having a bad day. I am not a fucking teddy bear.

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