Chapter 17

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"Duryodhan, what are you doing here with princess of Dwarka?" I instantly became sober and awake hearing that voice. Duryodhan turned, I was still in his arms and the person in front of me was none other than Yudhishthir.

Holy cow, what am I supposed to answer now? I looked up to Duryodhan and hissed, "Put me on the ground."

He ignored me and stared at Yudhishthir as if challenging him. His hold on me tightened. What is going on here? I don't want to see the fight between two brothers, especially not them. But I was stuck.

After what felt like decades, Duryodhan spoke, "It is none of your business."

"It is, when her brother asked us to safeguard her." Yudhishthir replied.

It took me a second to remember that Yudhishthir was talking about Krishna. When did Krishna ask him to do that? A week ago, he didn't even know me. But there were some other things which were more concerning.

According to the current state of women here, I will have to marry Duryodhan if I am found in a questionable state with him. I have no intention to marry anyone before I figure out what am I supposed to do here. I must talk to Krishna as soon as possible.

"Put me down right now, Duryodhan," I hissed again.

He looked straight at me and said, "No," and then looked forward and told him, "She is safe with me." At this point I could see frustration itch on Yudhisthir's face.

"Are you alright princess Aarohi?" Yudhishthir asked, directing the question towards me.

But before I could reply, Duryodhan said, "I told you she's fine." Even then Yudhishthir's eyes didn't stary away from mine waiting for my reply.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. I just felt dizzy for a moment outside, on the castle grounds. Duryodhan found me and brought me back in the castle." I lied.

His eyes lingered for a moment and then he nodded, accepting my reply. He said, "I will send the royal physician to your room. Take care princess Aarohi." Before I could say no to him, he took a turn and left. Now, it was just me and Duryodhan in the hallway.

"Why did you lie?" he asked. A bit of anger in his voice, as he continued his walk towards my room.

"What was I supposed to say then? Should I tell him that was roaming random places and getting drunk with you?" I bit back.

"Yes, why not?" He replied.

"Because then I would have to marry you." Why do have to bicker every time?

"What do you mean? You don't want to marry me?" he replied getting more shocked and angrier.

"We only met for a week." I replied, my anger rising too.

"What does that have to do with any of this?" He asked, as he pushed the door to my room.

"I am too young to get married." I gave another reason.

"No, you're not." He spoke.

"You know I'm 23 right."

"Yes, and that is an appropriate age to get married. Therefore, your brother called you here."

"No, that is not the reason."

"It is."

"It is not."

"Shut up."

"You shut up. Let's talk in the morning," I told him as he gently placed me on the bed.

The argument was going round and round. He looked like he wanted to argue. But then I faked a yawn and as it was already getting late; he understood that he's not getting a word out of me right now. He lingered near the door for a moment expecting me to say something. I turned so that my back was facing him and he left the room.

Even though it was very late, I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were all around me thinking what I had done. Reality hit me as soon as I saw Yudhisthir. I shouldn't have done that. Every action I take creates a ripple effect which can make a flood somewhere in the future. I can't risk changing Mahabharat. Whatever Krishna has written is perfect. So, that makes me a spectator. That thought saddened me, but I think that is to be done. Tomorrow, I will tell Duryodhan that whatever happened today was meaningless.

Five minutes later, a royal physician and few maids came into the room. It took me a while to explain it to them that there was no need for a checkup and that I was alright. As soon as they left, I fell on my bed again and sighed, twisting, and turning in a sleepless night.


I woke up late, the sun was already in the sky. Now that I was already late, it didn't make sense to hurry. So, I took my time, had a bath, and breakfast and then quietly dressed up in my normal attire. When I couldn't find any reason to stay in the room, I reluctantly made my way towards the training grounds.

He not there, but someone else was. As I went near, I recognized him; he was Karna. He looked like he was training for quite some time. At the moment, he was practicing archery. I approached him.

I asked him, "Do you know where Rajkumar Duryodhan is?"

He turned towards me before saying, "He was waiting for you here just left 15 minutes ago." His voice was filled with malice.

I asked another question, "Where can I find him?"

He replied this time not even looking towards me, "On the battleground."

"What," I asked shocked.

"He was waiting to tell you that. He went to give guru Drone his owed gurudakshina."

Hearing that I left the training ground, knowing what the future holds. Duryodhan went to fight the king of Panchal for his kingdom. He will lose the fight and will be taken captive by the king. Then Pandavas will come and rescue him and then win half of the kingdom of Panchal for their teacher. The actual happening is a bit more complicated but that is the gist of it.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw Subhadra sitting on my bed. Shit, what is she here for? Was my first thought. But then I felt guilty about it instantly. She probably missed her parents and wanted to be with someone. And then I felt more guilty because I didn't even meet her in the last couple of days. I am a real bad sister, aren't I?

"Hello Subhadra, how are you?" I casually asked. I don't know if it was the right thing to say, but sometimes you just have to figure it out, don't ya?

Hi friends,

We are at #1 Krishna at the moment. I can't express how happy and thankful that you guys like my book. Please keep reading. This chapter might be a bit boring, but I can assure  you that there is a great plot ahead. Also, sorry for lesser word count. I wanted to do frequent updates this time and lesser word count helps me do that. But I'll try my best to increase it.

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Word count: 1158

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