Freedom of the Caged Lark

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"Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess. Her mother and father were the monarchs of the all powerful Europe. However, despite all the authority they held, the three nobles showed no tyranny towards their loyal subjects. In fact, they were loved by all those who saw them. Every day of their life was a perfect fairytale filled with pink glittery ball gowns, little friendly birds with dream-like voices, and laughter. Little did they know of a shadow watching them from afar...waiting for that perfect chance to strike. As the dear princess' parents left to go get some water, the shadow struck. And that one day changed their lives forever...."

Astacia ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, determined to outrun her pursuers.

"After her!" one shouted.

Her panting got more frequent, the constant pace taking a toll on her body. A twig snapped and she yelped, landing face firsts on the mud covered terrain. Hands immediately grabbed her, tightening when she started to struggle. Eventually, ropes were tied around her body, burning the skin on her arms and wrists.

"LET ME GO! PLEASE LET ME GO!" she screamed, twisting and turning in the ropes.

"Oh shut up!" a guy said, tying a gag around her mouth.

Tears started streaming down her dirt stained face, making her kidnappers laugh at her pathetic state.

"Awe. Is the little girl crying? Does she want her mommy? Oh wait. I forgot. She's dead. Boo hoo."

Laughter arouse from around the men, making the little girl wail even more. The image of her mother getting raped by these men, only to be dismembered and thrown in a lake afterwards still burned in her mind. Her father was killed earlier when they stuck a hatchet in his head. The little girl was brought back into reality when they threw her in the trunk of a van and drove off, leaving the burning building behind. She stared out the window and sighed, her dried tears staining her cheeks. Right then and there, she knew in her dark and destroyed heart that she will never be the same innocent girl again. No. She will not be hurt by anyone. Because she is....

.....a monster.

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