Pain of the Innocent

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A scream arouse from the dark, abandoned shack, scaring away all the night critters. It was the sound of a cornered animal, a woman giving birth, but most importantly, hot, scorching metal against flesh. Inside, Astacia was tied to a chair, the metal handcuffs digging into her wrists and ankles. However, this was the least of her worries. A wave of pain erupted on her cheek as her kidnappers branded even more insulting words on her once pure body. It has only been a day and Astacia already wished for Death to claim her soul right then and there. In fact, she was begging him to.

"STOP NO MORE PLEASE OH PLE-AHHHHHH!" she screamed as more metal was pressed onto her leg.

After a minute, darkness began to enclose on her, encaging her body in nothing but nothingness.

Astacia woke up to a bucket of icy cold water being poured all over her wounds. She groaned at her aching muscles, dead skin, and pressured bones. When she looked up with those emerald eyes of hers, she knew that the torture was just beginning. A man with shaggy blond hair and striking green eyes took out a whip from his belt, pulling it back, and striking it on her bare back. Astacia screamed in agony as the razor sharp object ripped open her flesh, making blood pool all around her body. Snap. Scream. Snap. Scream. Snap. Nothing.

The little girl stared at the blank wall as she heard another one of her bones crack. She didn't scream. She didn't move. She didn't do anything. She had grown so accustomed to the daily torture that it sickened her that she was getting used to such a brutal and inhumane treatment. But then again, what could she do about it? Even if she did manage to get out of this shithole, no one would believe her. Who would take in a disheveled shit bag like her? Suddenly, the door creaked open and a woman with a white lab coat walked in, slipping on gloves and a surgical mask.

"Hello darling. I'm gonna take out every single one of your pretty little organs and place them in these little jars. Trust me. It won't hurt a bit. Actually....on second's going to hurt like shit." her tone turned from friendly and innocent to dangerous and insane.

A buzz of a razor pierced the silence of the still room. The lady removed Astacia's shirt, wiping her rib-showing stomach with alcohol. Just as she was about to place the cool razor against her flesh, the door burst open and a figure walked in.

"Hey! Who do you think you ar-" the lady didn't get to finish her sentence for a knife was stuck into her head. Before long, a pair of haunting red eyes made its way towards her emerald ones.

"Hang in there for a while longer my dear. Just endure this last pain and you can be forever immortal." a voice whispered before a burning pain shot up her neck, sending fire raging through every single one of her blood cells.

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