Kill or Be Killed

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Author's note
From now on, the entire story will be in Alec's POV unless otherwise specified. Thanks!


I walked into my room and dropped onto the bed, thousands of thought swirling inside my head. Who is this girl? Why am I attracted to her? Was she an orphan? How is she so young? What happened to her? I looked of my patio and saw that it was night. Climbing on top of the roof, I laid on my back and gazed at the stars that shined bright. From the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow moving about. Taking a closer look, it was that mysterious girl from earlier.

"Envious as poison
Haunting as darkness
Scorching as fire
Mysterious as shadows."

"What does that mean?" I asked before I could stop myself.

She didn't turn around, but kept staring off at nothing.

"One day, you'll know," she replied.

"Why did you run off at the sound of my sister and love's name?" I asked.

"Jane Estandarte Briar Vatalie was my mother. Secret Elizabeth Rosemary Vatalie was my nurse. Secret was a disgrace to her family, therefore, disowned. Later, my mother took pity on her and hired her as my nurse. All three of us were very close. Then those men came. They killed my father. They killed my mother. And they killed dear Secret. They tortured me for days without end. One day, a female was about to dissect me and put all my organs into jars. But someone rescued me. I never knew who. But this is how I became who I am today. But never, mention their names again. I will kill you. And I will not regret it," she muttered.

"Did you ever get revenge?" I asked.

"No. By the time I woke up, they were all dead. Drained of blood. Lifeless in pools of red."

"Why don't you join us? We punish and kill people who break the laws," I suggested.

She didn't say anything.

"You think that I like torturing people? I like killing people? I like seeing the fear in their eyes just before I rip out their heart?"


"Then your wrong. And foolish. In this cruel world, you either kill.....

She turned around and stared straight into my dark eyes.

....or you be killed."

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