From Innocence to Oblivion

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Alec's POV

"Astacia. Astacia Jane Secret."

I stared at the hauntingly familiar girl with disbelieving eyes. She had floor-length raven hair, just like my dearest Secret. But her face structure was so like that of my lovely sister. I bent down to her level, for she was quite short, and smiled at her.

"Would you please come with me? My masters would like to see you," I said sweetly.

She gave me a shrilling laugh.

Your masters? What are you? A dog?" she smirked, crossing her arms.

I hissed a little before regaining my composure.

"I am not a dog you adolescent," I growled.

She gave me the innocent look.

"Awe. Is someone mad? What a pity," she spat.

I lunged at her before she sped out of the way, appearing behind me. Right. Vampire equals vampire speed. Idiot. I turned to face her again, only to see her figure disappear in the direction of the Throne Room. Crap. I raced down there to find the masters intrigued with the little girl.

"An immortal child?!" hissed Caius, standing up, furious.

"You're so rude. And that scowl on your face is not making you appear any younger," the little girl said, tilting her head up at the elder.

"Why you little-"

"Peace Caius," smiled Aro, trying to bite back his laughter.

"I apologize for her unannounced entrance," I said, bowing slightly and resuming my place next to Aro.

"Not at all Alec. Now then. Mind telling us your name, dear?" he asked.

"I don't have to tell you anything," she said.

I noticed a slight glimmer on her neck and made out the shape of the Volturi pendant.

"Where did you get that?!" I hissed, zooming in front of her and ripping the necklace off of her.

Her usual red eyes turned a dark shade of violet.

"You disrespectful little...." she stopped herself halfway.

Her eyes returned back to their original ruby color.

"You shouldn't treat me like that you know. I have quite a temper," she said innocently, tilting her head slightly.

I let out my mist before she smirked.

"Sense deprivation? Quite the gift you have. But it doesn't work on me," she laughed.

"Are you a shield?!" I hissed, annoyed to have another Bella Swan.

"No. Now then. This is child's play. Let the master show you how it's done."

She turned from a normal five-year old vampire to a black dragon even bigger than the room. Everything around it was dying, turning into oblivion. She stared into my eyes and I felt a searing pain soar through my body. I arched back and started groaning in agony. The other guards tried to stop it but she got rid of them with a sweep of her huge tail. I finally felt the pain leave my body, the dragon slowly shrinking and turning back into the innocent little girl.

"Oh my....." muttered Aro.

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