Chapter 2: The Edge of the Earth

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Sao Feng's men, and the crew of the Black Pearl were all working to maintain the ship that Sao Feng had lent them.

Tia Dalma stood at the side of the ship looking down into the water when (Y/n) approached her.

"How are ye, child?" Tia asked her, before she even spoke.

(Y/n) wanted to tell her that she was okay, but the truth is she wasn't. She missed Jack terribly. His charming smile, his mannerisms, all of him. It hurt more to be apart from him now then it was for those ten years, now that she knew Jack loved her and she loved him.

"I'm...hanging in there...I guess..." she shrugged. "I just...I miss him."

Tia patted her hand. "Don't worry. We'll find witty Jack and get him back to ye. And once ye are reunited ye can enjoy all de pleasures dat come with being with Jack Sparrow." She smirked.

(Y/n) felt her face heat up, and awkwardly changed the subject. "So...since there's no place left for Sao Feng to cower...Do you think he will honor the call?"

"I cannot say." Tia replied. "There is an evil on de seas dat even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates 'ave come to fear."


The ship and the crew made their way to a place surrounded by icebergs and cold weather. Most of the crew was shivering and covered in snow and ice.

Jack the monkey shivered next to Pintel and Ragetti.

"No one said anything about cold." Pintel grumbled.

"I'm sure there must be a good reason for our suffering." Ragetti replied optimistically.

"Why don't that obeah woman just bring Jack back the same way she brought back Barbossa?" Pintel complained.

"Because Barbossa was only dead." Tia snapped. "Jack Sparrow is taken, body and soul, te a place not of death, but punishment. De worst fate a person can bring upon himself stretching on forever. Dat's what awaits at Davy Jones' Locker."

Tia walked off, leaving the two to keep shivering.

"Yeah, I knew there was a good reason." Ragetti said.


Elizabeth and (Y/n) were huddled under a blanket together, trying to keep warm.

"H-Hey, Lizzie?" (Y/n) stuttered.

"Yes, (Y-Y/n)?"

"I just wanted to say thank you. You've been helpful to me these past few months, getting me through my grief, coming along to go get Jack, and just being there for me. I know you didn't particularly like him, and it means a lot that you're willing to help me get him back." (Y/n) told her.

Elizabeth felt the guilt crawling back up through her body. (Y/n) still had no idea that she was the reason that Jack was gone. She knew how much (Y/n) liked him, and yet she sacrificed him anyway.

Elizabeth gave her a strained smile. "Of course (Y/n). You're my friend. I'm glad to help."

(Y/n) gave her a smile in return.

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