Chapter 5: At Peace

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"Trim that sail!" Barbossa ordered

"Trim that sail!" Jack repeated.

"Slack windward brace and sheet."

"Slack windward brace and sheet."

"Haul the pennant line."

"Haul the pennant line."

Barbossa approached Jack. "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Jack replied.

"No, what arrr you doing?!"

"What are you doing?!"

"No, what arrgh you doing?!"

"What are you doing?! Captain gives orders on the ship."

"The Captain of the ship is giving orders." Barbossa responded.

"My ship makes me Captain." Jack complained.

"They be my charts." Barbossa pointed out.

"That makes you...chartman!" Jack argued.

Just then, Pintel came up to both of them. "Stow it! The both of you! That's an order! Understand?!" He bellowed.

Jack and Barbossa just stared it him in bewilderment, and Pintel grinned awkwardly.

"Sorry. I just thought with the Captain issue in doubt, I'd throw in my name for consideration. Sorry."

Jack and Barbossa just brushed past him and raced against each other to get to the wheel.

Ragetti nudged Pintel. "I'd vote for you."


Barbossa pulled out his spyglass, and Jack came up beside him and smirked, and opened his own spyglass. Only Jack's was smaller than Barbossa's, making him frown, and Barbossa smirked.


Will went below deck and found Elizabeth sitting on some stairs, staring off into space.

He approached her. "You left Jack to the Kraken."

"He's rescued now, it's done with." Was her only reply.

Will scoffed and looked away from her, making Elizabeth stand up. "Will I had no choice."

"You chose not to tell me. Or (Y/n)." He reminded her.

"I couldn't. It wasn't your burden to bear."

"But I did bear it, didn't I? I just didn't know what it was. I thought..."

Elizabeth's eyes widened. "You thought I loved him."

She turned to leave, but Will grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back.

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