Chapter 3: Hallucinations

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*sniff...sniff sniff...sniff sniff sniff*

Jack Sparrow sniffed along a railing until he came across a singular peanut.

He then tucked a napkin into his neck and stabbed the peanut with a fork, and brought it up to his face. He smacked his lips hungrily, and went to eat it.


Jack gasped in pain, and dropped the fork back onto the plate, as he fell off his seat and onto the ground.

He had just been shot by...Jack Sparrow?

The real Jack Sparrow blew the smoke from his pistol and tucked it back into his belt. He walked over to the plate and picked up the peanut.

"My peanut." He said, and then ate it. "Haul the halyard. Slacken braces!" He ordered.

"Aye, Captain." Another Jack called from the rigging. "Slacken braces! Step lively with a will!"

Other Jacks were busy scrubbing the deck of the Pearl as another Jack ran by carrying buckets of water.

"Aye aye."

"Right away sir."

"I want a fire down below!"

The Jacks scrambled around the ship to follow the orders, stepping over another Jack that laid on the ground.


"Man the yards, you filthy toads."

Another Jack stood still and grunted as he laid and egg and began to make clucking noises. The chicken Jack passed another Jack who was sitting on a crate glancing at a goat next to him.

"Hail the sheets handsomely. Scandalize the lateens." Another Jack ordered as several other Jacks lowered the sails.

The real Jack approached a shirtless Jack who was pulling ropes.

"Mr. Sparrow?"

"Aye, Captain." Other Jack replied.

"What say you about the condition of this tack line?" Jack asked.

"It be proper to my eyes, sir." Other Jack sheepishly replied.

"It is neither proper nor suitable sir. It is not acceptable nor adequate. It is, in obvious fact, an abomination. When I get my darling (Y/n) back, I will not have her board my ship with it looking like this!" Jack snapped.

"Begging your pardon sir, but if you just give a man another chance." Other Jack begged.

"Shall I?" Jack drew his sword and stabbed his clone in the stomach. "It's that sort of thinking that got her taken away in the first place."

The clone fell to the ground, and Jack addressed the rest of himself.

"We have lost speed and therefore time. Precious time which could have been spent trying to get back to (Y/n). Do you understand?!" Jack shouted.

"Aye Captain." The others replied.

"Do you now?" Jack put his sword back into his belt. "It will all have to be redone. All of it. And let this serve as a lesson to the lot of you."

From an outsiders perspective, no one was actually on the ship apart from Jack. He was all alone on the Black Pearl and was having hallucinations and talking to himself.

"Doldrums sir, has the entire crew on edge."

Jack turned to no one and began talking to air.

"I have no sympathy for any of you feculent maggots, and no more patience to pretend otherwise. If you lot want to be useless, I'll go and find my precious (Y/n) myself."

Jack jumped onto the rail and grabbed a rope.

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness."

Jack used the rope to jump off the ship, and land on the ground. The land we was in was completely barren. There was nothing for miles. Jack wet his finger and held it up to check for wind, but there wasn't any.

"No wind. Of course there's no bloody wind. My soul I do swear for a breeze. Gust. Whisper. A tiny, miniature lick."

Jack looked down and saw a smooth white rock on the ground about the size of his hand. He picked it up and threw it some feet away.

He then turned back to face his ship and kept muttering nonsense to himself.

"Yes sir I know, but why? Why would he do that?...Because he's a lummox isn't he?...We shall have a magnificent garden party and you're not invited. Only (Y/n) is invited."

Jack paused and slowly turned around when he saw the small white rock he threw was just behind him.

Jack waved his hands at it. "Shoo."

He then turned away from the rock, and then quickly turned back around, but the rock still hadn't moved. He bent down and picked it up, looking at it with distaste.

"A rock." He stated bluntly. Then he furrowed his brows in suspicion. "You wouldn't happen to know where (Y/n) is would you?"

Of course, the rock gave no answer, and Jack, for some reason, licked the rock, and then threw it away again.

What he didn't notice, is that when the rock landed, it grew legs and claws and became a crab.

Jack started walking to the front of his ship."Now we're being followed by rocks. Never had that before."

A rope was hanging from the ship and he looked at it. "Oh. A rope."

Jack grunted as he pulled on the rope, trying to pull his ship along the ground. Of course, it didn't work, and Jack fell to the ground.

The small little crab was watching him from a distance, and decided that he needed help. He went over to a field of little white rocks and began chittering. The rest of the rocks turned into crabs. The army of crabs walked over to the ship, and lifted it up.

Jack was lying on the ground, with his eyes closed when he heard some rumbling noises beside him. He opened his eyes and saw his ship moving along the ground. He stared in deep confusion as he watched the little crabs carry his ship away, before snapping out of his trance and running after it.

"Oi! Wait! Where are you going?! Do any of you know where (Y/n) is?!"


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