Chapter 16: A New Adventure

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Of course, the first thing Jack did after the battle was sail the Black Pearl to Tortuga to get rum and celebrate.

He was quickly walking along the port to get back to his ship and (Y/n). Giselle and Scarlett had spotted him, and were trying to catch up to him.

Jack made it to the end of the dock here his ship was supposed to be, but instead all there was was a small dinghy.

Jack looked around, and saw Mr. Gibbs lying on the ground, unconscious and holding a teddy bear. He walked up to him and poured rum on his face to wake him up.

"Mr. Gibbs? Any particular reason why my ship is gone?" Jack asked, trying to hide his anger.

"The ship? We're on the ship." Gibbs told him, before laying back down.

Jack furrowed his crowd at him, until Gibbs jerked back awake, and stood up. "Jack! The ship's gone!"

"Really?" Jack asked sarcastically.

Suddenly, a groan was heard from behind some barrels. Jack walked around them and saw (Y/n) beginning to sit up, rubbing the back of her head.

"(Y/n)!" Jack exclaimed. He tossed his cup aside and bent down to help her stand up. "Are you alright darling? What happened?" He asked frantically, checking her over for injuries.

"Ugh...Barbossa took your ship...again. He must've knocked Gibbs and I unconscious and left us at the port." She mumbled groggily. "I'll kill that son of a bitch."

"Don't worry love. Dear old Jackie will get the ship back for us. I promise." Jack pressed a kiss to her forehead.

He was about to press one to her lips, but the sound of fighting snapped him out of it. They both turned and saw Giselle and Scarlett fighting each other over Jack.

He strutted over to them. "Ladies! Will you please shut it?! Listen to me. Yes, I lied to you. No, I don't love you, I love her." He gestured to (Y/n). "Of course it makes you look fat. I've never been to Brussels. It is pronounced 'egregious.' By the way, no, I've never actually met Pizarro, but I love his pies. And all of this pales to utter insignificance in light of the fact that my ship is once again gone. Savvy?"

Giselle and Scarlett glanced at each other and Giselle slapped him across the face. Scarlett slapped him as well, and then Jack slapped Gibbs. The two women then huffed and walked off.

"Take what you can."

"Give nothing back."

Jack and Gibbs bumped fists, and Gibbs walked after Giselle and Scarlett. "Tell me ladies, what do you know of sea turtles?"

"Well this sucks." (Y/n) commented.

Jack slipped an arm around her waist. "It could be worse love. At least Barbossa let us stay together this time. And according to my calculations, that dinghy should have enough room for two young, vibrant and sexy pirates to...have drinks in."

He wiggled his eyebrows, and (Y/n) playfully glared at him and shoved his shoulder. "You really have no shame, do you Jack."

"Not when it comes to you, love." He replied.


Barbossa stood by the wheel of the Black Pearl, which he had just stolen once again from Jack. He bent down and picked up a peanut from the floor and held it up to Jack the monkey.

"You want a taste of this?"

The monkey grabbed the peanut and ate it.

"Oh yes, you're a good boy, you're daddy's boy. Yes you are. Oh, yes you are." He cooed.

Murtogg, Mullroy, Marty, Pintel and Ragetti came up the stairs and approached Barbossa.

"Sir, some of the men don't feel entirely settled about leaving Captain Jack behind." Pintel informed.

"Again." Ragetti added.


"Is that so?" Barbossa mused. "At least I've given him the courtesy of leaving Miss (Y/n) with him."

"It would make us feel a whole lot better regarding our fortunes if we could see that item you told us about." Pintel requested.

"To help put an ease to our burden of guilt, so to speak." Ragetti explained.

"Ah. Feast your eyes upon this, mateys." Barbossa held up the rolled up charts. "There's more than one way to live forever. Gents, I give you the Fountain of Youth."

Barbossa opened the charts and immediately he and everyone frowned. A big hole had been cut in the charts where the map to the fountain was.

Barbossa clenched his jaw. "Sparrow." He growled.


Jack raised the flag on his little dinghy while he softly sang.

"Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for me."

He sat down next to (Y/n) and put an arm around her shoulders.

"So, what now?" She asked.

Jack raised a finger. "Ah."

He pulled out the chart that he had cut out, and opened it. He turned the dials until a picture of a goblet appeared.

"We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs."

Jack opened up his compass, and it pointed behind him. He looked confused until turned and saw a bottle of rum. Once he grabbed that, the needle changed direction.

Jack looked out into the horizon and smirked.

"Drink up me hearties, yo ho."


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