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Elijah's POV

Eli woke up to the sun streaming in his eyes and the feeling of something soft and warm in his arms. 

He sighed contently, the events of last night coming back to him as he let his hands flow through Carter's now messy hair. 

He wanted to stay in her arms forever; waking up with her felt like heaven. His phone pinged and he checked it, remembering he had a class to get to in 20 minutes. 

He gently pushed Carter into the sheets, wrapping her up and kissing her forehead before he left the apartment, his heart staying there with her. 

He sent her a text, "hey baby, i'll be back over tonight don't miss me too much."


Four classes later. Eli had his phone out immediately with Carter's contact open, "where are you, im coming over"

Within a few minutes, she replied,

"I'm helping Raina through some stuff :( my spare key is under the plant beside my apartment door, let yourself in. I made cookies, they are on the counter, eat something sweet and get some rest. I'll be home soon tonight, baby <3"

God, he was fucking obsessed with her.

"dont ever leave a spare key out like that again" he texted her back.

"So keep the key and come see me every single day"

His heart skipped a beat and he couldn't keep the smile off of his face as he drove straight back to her place.

Carter's POV

Carter quietly unlocked her front door, taking her Converse off at the front and taking note of the quiet in her place even though all of the lights were on.

Eli did that a lot.

He used to turn off every light; since he was an environmental major, but Carter noticed that he would always turn on every single light in sight when she was around.

Her heart swelled at the realization.

She walked quietly past the now half-empty plate of cookies in her kitchen, going right to her bedroom.

Eli was laying down on his side on her bed, he was in the spare sweatpants he kept at her place and a t-shirt, his outdoor clothes folded nearly on her desk chair.

His phone was in his hand, still on. It was clear that he had not meant to fall asleep, he was waiting for her.

Carter quickly got ready for bed, changing into Eli's Pokemon t-shirt from last night and cotton shorts, gently getting in beside him to not wake him up.

She pulled his phone out of his hand, locked it and placed it on the bedside table.

Carter wrapped her arms around his torso and pulled him close. He looked so peaceful, asleep in her arms. She swept his hair away from his forehead, leaning in to press a long, lingering kiss on his forehead.

She sighed in contentment, nestling her body further next to his and cuddling him close. She tucked his head into her chest and he instinctively wrapped his arms around her back in his sleep.

She stroked his hair and thought about how this is the first time in her entire life she felt happy. She felt something else too. A warm hot feeling that started in her chest and spread to her body whenever she was with Eli.

She smiled, closing her eyes and keeping him close.

"I love you so much," she whispered into his hair, saying words she had never said to anyone in her life. No one else deserved them.

"You're soft and warm and everything good in a person and I love you. I hope one day I'll have the confidence to tell you to your face when you're awake to hear it.

Until then, I will just keep showing you how much I completely and utterly adore you," she whispered.

She kissed the top of his head and fell into a peaceful sleep, free of nightmares.

a/n god they're so cute

guys ive gone straight back to reading dark mafia romances like i was obsessed with years ago and im not even mad. might even write one after i finish "honey" (new story on my profile) 

anyways - i will finish and upload the next chapter tomorrow, and then probably wrap up this story within the next few days :) hope you have enjoyed it so far 

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